Starting treatment soon

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  • 44 subscribers


I have been diagnosis recently with lower oesophageal cancer and it’s spread to my lungs.
I’ve had a telephone appointment today to discuss treatment and I’m now even more deflated and confused than I was before. I didn’t get to ask most of the questions I wanted to, mainly because when i asked what I would get out of having the treatment I was basically told it would prolong life for a few months!! This is not what I was told when first diagnosed. I was sort of positive before this appointment now I’m wondering what’s the point in anything anymore. I can still eat pretty normally just get full quicker so I eat little and often. 
I just don’t know what to do.  

  • Debbie, did they say why it's still palative care? I can imagine you are angry and upset from being told that, but I'd also have my head up and would be positive knowing that you are seeing progression and if that progression continues then so should your prognosis. I am on a similar path to yourself I have tumours in my osophagus and 1 down near my kidney meaning I am not operable and stage 4. My first oncologist was brutal, I've since moved to my hometown and my new oncologist is really positive. I am awaiting the results for my first pet scan. I have a friend who reached out to me in here who was told nothing was going to work. He had a 12cm tumour and then one in his lymthnodes making him stage 4 things changed for him against all odds and he is now cancer free so keep fighting, it sounds like you are doing so well. Believe in the medicine, keep doing what you are doing and be positive. You have seen progress and hopefully that continues.

  • Vinny, totally agree, we are in the hands of the professional we have to trust in them.


  • I’m so sorry to have come across so pessimistic. I’ve been so positive throughout the treatment. 
    It’s basically because they also found spreads in my neck so this is why it’s still palliative even though none of the nodes anywhere are showing anymore. I’m looking into speaking to a different  oncologist as I feel like the one I have just isn’t interested. 
    I know I should be grateful the treatment is working, and I truly am.  I just feel so frustrated by it all.I’ve never been ill in my life and this all has been a massive shock even the doctors were shocked as all this began as chest pain!!! 
    This may all read a bit jibberish as I only had treatment on Tuesday and do end up with a very fuzzing head. I’m relying on auto correct.

  • Debbie no need to apologise at all I was just trying to support and get you back on the positive track. It's good to vent your frustrations and get them out. I think the general rule and I'm not an expert is that if you are operable then they deem it as being a path to cure and they won't operate when there is cancer outside of the operable area. I know the feeling I had never been ill beforehand either hopefully that will help in your battle knowing your immune system is strong. Fingers crossed the treatment has the same impact in your neck and these things change. Don't worry about the jibberish chemo brain is so annoying I drove down a one way street the other day not thinking.i don't know how it works with a second opinion, but I am so happy with my new oncologist my first one was a bit on the spectrum and very impersonable. The new one is ultra positive with me. 

  • Thanks vinny only just recieved this message I appreciate you helping me try to get my head back on track. And sorry if I came across as unappreciative I was in a bit of dark place a couple of weeks ago. I do find I’ve become very emotional and quite feisty at times. I always feel as though nothing is positive after any appointments with oncologist. 
    I have my positive head back on now though. It’s my last round tomorrow and no more treatment planned until it raises its ugly head again. Fingers crossed the next scan (in 2 weeks) will show even more shrinkage. 
    After this round I intend to make up for what I’ve missed the last 4 months, I intend to live my best life……

  • Hi

    So I went into my last appointment positive but not expecting the news that that all that’s left of the tumour now is a thin slither of a thickening on my oesophagus. All lymph nodes clear.  I’m not cancer free but I can now carry on with life with no further treatment until symptoms arise again. 

    Good luck and best wishes to everyone fighting this battle xx 

  • Brilliant news Debbie, go out there and enjoy yourself Blush live every day life is so precious

  • Fantastic News Debbie, what a releief that must be right now..  Onwards and upwards to a bright and long future. 

    Take Care of you


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