organ donation

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  • 24 subscribers

Can you organ donate with Glioblastoma?

  • HI Joe

    that's  a great question but not one I know the answer to, I'm afraid. The best folk to talk to are your brother's medical team as they will know if there's reason not to consider it.

    I found this article that may or may not help

    Cancer transmission from organ donors with brain tumours is unlikely (

    We didn't explore that route with G as by the end there were other complications to factor in and no one suggested it to us.

    Hope you're holding up as best you can. I saw your update on the other thread about removing the drains etc. We reached a point, more with medication, that as it was no longer doing what it was meant to do then it was time to stop it. It's heartbreaking getting to that point but you have to keep your brother's comfort and quality of life at heart and not what your emotional side is telling you. 

    Hang in there. You're doing great here. Please remember that we're here for you.

    love n hugs 

    Wee Me xx

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