
  • 5 replies
  • 21 subscribers

Good morning all,

My Dad is now receiving palliative care at home and has been since April. He was given weeks to short months back then. He can’t talk very much anymore and what he does say we cannot understand. He has also been bed bound for the last month as he is paralysed on the right side. 
He is such a fighter!  We are being well supported but this week he has had secretions for which they gave an injection. It worked on the Monday and Wednesday this week and he got some sleep. But yesterday was a bad day. He awoke at 3:30am on Friday and has only had a few disturbed hours sleep. On top of his steroids and Keppra, he is having morphine and paracetamol for the pain he gets. We believe he may be slightly constipated so has had senacot. The nurse also came back and gave him another injection for the secretions. He is just not settling and keeps moving his good leg. He’s also trying to pull his catheter out. The nurse doesn’t think he’s restless. Has anyone else experienced this please? Any ideas of what might help? We are currently waiting for the syringe driver, keppra and dex to be dispensed by a chemist but apparently this is hard to get hold of in that form. Has anyone experienced this issue too?

Thank you and sending you all my love and prayers. 

  • Hi  

    It sounds like this is a very difficult time for you and the whole family.

    I'm not a member of this forum but noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list again. I'm sure any members who have experienced similar will be along shortly.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi CranesBill,

    Sorry for not responding sooner, I was away all weekend. 

    My wife had midazolam added to her driver to keep her calm as well as levomepromazine but that was when we knew we probably had days left with her and was started to get increased seizure activity. Once she was on these then she really wasn't fully conscious again but at least she was comfortable. 

    I would discuss again this with the nurse or a Dr to understand what they would need to see before starting some sort of mild sedation at least. 

    I am so sorry for what you're all going through. I well remember how awful it all is.

    Sending a hug


    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you for replying. They’ve done exactly what you’ve said and we are currently have a night time vigil with my Dad as he’s close to the end now. Thankfully he is very peaceful.


  • Hi all,

    My beautiful Dad passed away on Tuesday 2nd July. He passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his loving family. It has actually been 3 years this very week since he had his craniotomy and he beat the odds and had so much extra time with us. We consider ourselves very lucky.

    This community has been an amazing support in troubled times and I’d like to thank everyone that has messaged me over that time. Particularly Movita and WeeMe.

    Sending love and hugs to you all and keep positive Kissing heart xx

  • So sorry to hear your news but it sounds like you're able to find the positives out of all this which will be such a help in the weeks and month to come. 
    Sending hugs Blue heart


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