Navigating this journey - everyone’s path is different so how do you know if you’re doing it right?

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I have been diagnosed with a grade 5 Glioblastoma bran tumour and underwent a biopsy in Feb 2024. 
My oncology team decided that tumour testing showed my tumour most receptive to radiotherapy so treatment was decided to be super aggressive daily radiotherapy for 3 weeks then review.I have received max radiation do a brain can have so am waiting for  3 weeks then oncologists will review original tumour scans

then post radiotherapy scans to discuss next steps. 

Where I’m struggling is what happens now - I have been discharged back to my home- hubby works full time

, & we have 1 23 year old living at home. 

My presenting symptom was peripheral sight loss in my left eye picked up when I booked an eye test - this has continued 

and increased as a my tumour is occupying my thalamus which decodes my vision images so there are lots of times 

that I feel like I’m getting a distorted reality/am I dreaming view/ blurred unrealistic image of the world. I can’t see any 

images to the left of me, make sense of what I am seeing, know if what I’m seeing is real or if I’m dreaming yet other times

i can be lucid and the vision makes sense. Does anyone else have /understand this?

Medical staff haven’t said but should I be accompanied/ have a nurse?

  • My wife saw things out of her left side a lot. Often it was one of the children she thought was standing in the corner.

    Have you spoken to your GP about your ongoing care? How are you managing at home day to day?

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  • Hello

    My husband had peripheral vision problem on his left side as well and there where few times when he could see imaginary things. I was never sure if it was because of peripheral vision problem or it’s just an imagination. 
    check with your onco during the next visit. Take care 
