Cutting edge treatment for Glioblastoma I am currently investigating for my Dad newly diagnosed with stage 4

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  • 14 subscribers

Good Afternoon,

Hope you are well. We have recently begun our journey within the last month after initially being told by the GP he had a UTI due to being confused, not being satisfied I got a private MRI done for my Dad and shocked to find out he had Glioblastoma. He has since been in hospital and had a biopsy which has confirmed the suspicions from the MRI.

It’s been really difficult for the family as he is 69 years old fit and well, having the happiest phase in his life. He’s wanting to fight as does the family so we have been researching clinical trials and new treatments. We have seen various treatments but the one that has caught the eye is Sonodynamic Therapy which uses focused ultra sound to kill cancer cells. I understand that it takes time for trials and approvals but so far the results have been very promising and it also non invasive with no need to surgery. In my Dad’s case surgery is not an option as his tumour is 6cm so this therapy is something we are very keen on him having.

We need to raise awareness of this and hopefully raise donations to bring this to the attention of health authorities in the UK, as I believe this will make a huge difference to people in our bleak situations.

Articles have been printed this week in the Times about someone who was diagnosed with the same and underwent this therapy. Please take a read and please share with people in our predicament

(Please note: online articles may only be available to subscribers)

We are hoping to fly our Dad out to Italy in the near future if the permissions are granted for him to receive treatment. We are passionate about this and truly believe people in our shoes with a grim prognosis will have some comfort knowing Sonodynamic Therapy could make a difference as the results are showing.

Apologies for the rather long message but I wanted to get this out into the Glioblastoma forums because I think it could prove very valuable for us all in this situation.

Thank you Pray tone2 


  • Hi bhav

    1. I have glioblastoma and any news is good news , I believe that people in in high authority will be fully aware of this situation and hopefully find a cure in time but unfortunately time waits for nobody,  very best of luck


  • I will ask our oncologist about this next week and see what he says about