Advanced but cancer type and what’s next

  • 9 replies
  • 7 subscribers

Hi all 

Less than a month ago my mum was diagnosed with advanced gallbladder cancer (having previously been told from the ultrasound it was a mass in head of pancreas). Cancer is advanced and spread to nearby blood vessels and liver. Terminal / inoperable. Mum had severe jaundice and from the following day post diagnosis spent two weeks in hospital during which she had a successful stent procedure which has thankfully resolved the jaundice. 
On Mum’s paperwork it diagnoses cholangiocarcinoma - which from what I’ve read is bile duct cancer. I know bile duct in very close proximity (and being impacted by the tumour) but haven’t been able to see that gallbladder cancer is diagnosed as this? It matters in the sense of understanding the causes and outcomes. Anyone had the same?

We are meeting oncology for the first time on Xmas Eve to discuss palliative chemo (which has been mentioned as a possibility from day 1 but mum needed to improve physically, be mobilising etc.)

Mum is unsure whether she will have the chemo and we need to hear the information regarding the type / length / impacts v gains (in time). We have been told with the chemo that she will have ‘months’ from the surgeon but will be good to understand more from the oncologist. Following the stent fitting the consultant said (without chemo) Mum should expect a couple of months good quality of life.

Mum has improved a lot since getting out of hospital. Her pain is well managed with medication and she’s pretty active (she does have generally a number of medical conditions but seems back to how she was). It’s almost unbelievable she is as poorly as she is and she is being incredibly positive - despite losing her beloved husband / my dad to oesophageal cancer and knowing a little about what’s ahead. 

I suppose I am wondering what may happen in terms of her health changing if she doesn’t have the chemo and if this change can happen quite quickly- presumably new symptoms arise? All she wants is a wonderful Christmas with me and my brother and her two grandsons who are her world. I know from my dad to expect the unexpected and it’s a rollercoaster but any experiences of similar situations and what to look out for / be prepared for would be really appreciated. I am better when I prepared for various possibilities/ outcomes. 
Sorry for the long post. Wishing everyone here well and sending love x

  • Hi  

    That's good to read that your mum is a lot more comfortable now she's had a stent.

    I’m Anne, one of the Community Champions here on the Online Community and, although I'm not a member of this group, I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' your post back to the top of the discussion list again.

    While you're waiting for replies, it would be great if you could put something about your mum's diagnosis and proposed treatment into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hello  

    I have just noticed your post has gone unanswered - I am so sorry but I can't answer it myself (I have a different cancer) however by me responding the post will be "bumped up" to the top of the group and I hope seen and answered by other members of the Community.

    It's a very difficult time for you and at this time of the year it must be very emotional. A couple of ideas if I may:

    * Have you considered giving our Support Line a call on 0808 808 00 00 (8 am to 8pm 7 days a week ) they are a great team and should be able to offer you some additional support.

    * There's also a group for carers only and you may get some information by joining that group too - here's the link -Carers only forum  Once you join this group you can copy and paste your original post.

    I do hope you find some answers, if I can do anything else for you please don't hesitate to message me.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi my name is Colette and I have advanced stage 4 gallbladder cancer. However my diagnosis is different in the sense that mine was operable and found incidentally within the gallbladder in 2016. Since then it has metastised a few times to various parts of my body but again luckily I've been able to have surgeries and chemotherapy twice over the past nearly 9 years.

    Initially I was told mine was adenocarcinoma but more recently has been referred to as cholangiocarcinoma. I was really confused too but I did find a charity called AMMF that I reached out to, I've attached a link below.  I asked the question too, is gallbladder cholangiocarcinoma and was told yes it is part of the bile duct group and has it's own name (Extrahepatic or distal CCA).

    I hope your mum stays as well as she can and I hope you can get a little more understanding of this rare form of cancer. Sorry if I haven't answered your question fully but I'm actually going through Metastatic thyroid cancer at the moment so I've been less focused on this group.

    All the best 


  • Thank you so much for replying Colette and taking the time to - that’s so helpful and also helps assure me I’m not going daft by not understanding! I really appreciate it and your support. 
    I really hope you are ok and will be thinking of you and sending strength. 
    Emma x

  • There's so little information surrounding gallbladder cancer and what is available can be so confusing. It's taken me nearly 9 years dealing with it to finally find a charity that does have an 'arm' or 'wing' inclusive for GBC.

    thanks for your kind words, I look at that the thyroid cancer isn't going to kill me so could be worse, I always tty to find a positive x

  • Thank you for your reply Brian that was really kind of you to take the time. I will definitely have a look at the other support options. 
    I wish you all the very best with your own health and current situation. Hope you are ok as you can be. 
    thanks again 


  • Hi Emma, 

    Apologies this is my first day on this site and so my first post. I can't offer any advice as I am unfortunately in the same position as you with my wonderful dad. I want to thank you for your post, as although it may not be the same, it's the most information I've heard regarding what my dad's next steps could be. He was first taken in to hospital in October and as of today we still don't have a definite diagnosis. However they have told us he is stage 4 and will be receiving pallative care. As there has been no confirmed diagnosis he has received no treatment or even talked through what might be available. I'm sending strength and resilience to you and your mum during this journey and for whatever ever option your mum chooses to take. Lauren 

  • Hi Lauren thank you so much for your post and your lovely support. Firstly I am so sorry to hear about your Dad and on top of the situation all the uncertainly you are experiencing. It’s extremely hard on so many levels. If you have any questions at all I am more than happy to try and help from what I’ve learnt / heard in the last couple of months. I also hope you are doing ok as you can be under such stress and emotional pressure. Sending strength to you too. No pressure but if you want to friend request on here that’s fine too. Thinking of you and your Dad. Take care Emma 

  • Thank you Emma, I appreciate you taking time to respond. I think I've requested you as a friend, still getting my head round this site. Lauren