Mother diagnosed with gall bladder cancer

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  • 7 subscribers

Hi, my mothers been diagnosed with gall bladder cancer and started chemotherapy and immunotherapy today. I’m 20 years old and my mother is my best friend. I don’t know a lot about the cancer but I do know it’s aggressive. I had never really heard of this cancer before so I think the unknown is what is making it scarier. I was wondering if there’s anyone on her with any advice or if you have a parent with the same type of cancer or even if you have a child my age and they have found a healthy way of coping and could send me some tips Slight smile

Thank you 

  • I've been dealing with it 8 years this Friday! Mine has spread a few times and I'm now stage 4 and incurable but.. I'm still here. My surgeons say my gallbladder cancer doesn't act in the normal way, he said it's literally the laziest gallbladder cancer they've ever seen. I'm obviously happy with that. But yeah it's metastasised to my lover, the lining of my bowel, on the bowel itself, and also my last tumour welcome back next to my bladder. Ive had 4 surgeries and chemotherapy twice (33 rounds in total). I've also had thyroid cancer and ovarian cancer but again I'm still here, still alive so there is always hope I guess x

    • That's a long time! Definitely gives me hope. Hers is in the bile duct, liver and lining of the abdomen. They have said its operable though. How long have you had stage 4? They have said to her 3-6months but I'm praying with treatment it's a lot longer. Are you nhs or private? Hope you don't mind all the questions! Feel like we have so long to wait. Xx
  • Hey, so I was officially moved to stage 4 in 2021 after I developed gallbladder tumours in my bowel, omentum and peritoneal cavity. I had surgery and then 6 months of chemotherapy. I am and always have been NHS.  I can't fault the treatment I've had and I'm definitely one of the lucky ones. 

    What part of the country are you in? I'm in the north west and have had excellent care from Clatterbridge.

  • Just to add, this started in 2016 and after surgery and chemotherapy the first time around I was almost at the 5 year marker before it came back. 

  • We are nhs too in Edinburgh.  They have been really good  We are still to see the oncologist. Liver biopsy is on Thursday. They have said its inoperable but I'm really hoping they could try remove some of it or something. She is fit and well usually and still working some days now that the pain is controlled. 

  • I and your mum get some good news on Thursday then, keep us posted x

  • Just realised I wrote operable instead of inoperable in my previous post. She was in for the liver biopsy today but they ended up doing it in the abdomen instead for. Some reason but they will still get the same results they have said.  X

  • So I am bringing my wedding forward to end of Feb. And I wondered if this is something you could help with.. so today they said if she starts chemo it might be around beginning of February. If this is the case will I be better to do it before? I'm just concerned she will be unwell with side effects at that point? How quickly do they start/last? Any info would be greatly appreciated.  Hope you are well. X

  • Aww bless you, if she is having the same combination I have had which was GemCix (gemcitabine and cisplatin) it isn't too harsh. Yes you feel nauseous and I experienced a lot of hair thinning but I think (obviously depending on your mum's age and fitness levels) she will be ok even if she has started her treatment. Again we are all individuals but the earlier in her treatment regime the better it will be for her to enjoy your wonderful day x