Waiting but have a good idea it is cancer

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Hi I had a pain in my stomach but seemed like trapped wind as I was very stressed at the time. Fast forward to an ultrasound which showed a 1.3 lesion poorly differentiated with what looks like an inherent blood supply. All bloods good and not showing anything on ultrasound for pancreas abdominal aorta liver (few benign cysts) kidneys. 
sent for an mri urgent totally anxiety could not cope with having the contrast was so upset with myself over that but it was just too much. The radiologist said they got a lot of pictures. So since Grimacingst Friday I have been so poorly with stress and anxiety I have googled (I know Grimacing) I have pestered macmillan the doctor who did give me the ultrasound. Ended up in an and e with major panic attacks I also have atrial fibrillation. Sat here today waiting for the phone to ring absolutely terrified. I wasn’t going to post until I heard from the doctor but thought I wanted to be among people who have a similar experience x

  • Hi thank you. I hardly slept the first few days but the last two I’ve been better. I will definitely have a chat with my GP about the medication. I’m having a bad day, I thought my MRI would be back today as it has been a week but nothing yet and the doctors close shortly so another weekend of anxiety. I hope you have a good weekend, it’s another few days nearer your operation. 

  • I am happy you are able to sleep. I tend to wake up at 3 or 4am and toss and turn the rest of the night sometimes. A good night's sleep helps our immune system.

  • I am surprised that A&E did not give you any medication like Xanax to help relieve your anxiety. I am trying to not stress myself because the stress will hurt other parts of our body. Try to think this way.

  • No they didn’t.. my doctor didn’t either. I have really appreciated your talking to me and it has helped me to be more positive to face this.  Thank you. 

  • Hi Sid, did you get your MRI result? Anyways, whatever it says, i am sure your surgeon will advise to get your gallbladder removed.

  • Hi Riccardo what a day! My daughter rang my husband to say she couldn’t get hold of me. It happens my phone wasn’t working so rang my provider to sort and as soon as it was a voicemail from GP trying to get me. They are closed for lunch at the moment but I will will ring back once they open. We have had a look on my records and it is showing the mri has come back. Which from wha we can see talks about the gallbladder being collapsed it is adenomyomatosis so have been referred to the AG team didn’t say urgent so I think as you say it will be for my gallbladder to be removed. I hope your well and feeling a little less anxious although I know like me you will be still feeling anxious.

  • Hi I hope your are ok. My doctor has said my results from the mri are nigh. 

  • benign. She has referred me to the hospital doctors but not an urgent. 

  • Congratulations, I'm really happy to read your news, a huge relief for you and your family I'm sure. 

  • Hi Smiffy thank you. My family are so happy and so am I but oddly struggling to process it. I feel quite down and wish the same was for everyone on here. The feelings I had while waiting were echoed by so many people who have tHen often been told they do have cancer I am working on how I can understand my feelings and find a way to give some positivity to a horrible situation if that makes sense.