My father's diagnosis.Gall bladder adenocarcinoma

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Hello everyone and best wishes to you and your loved ones for health and strenth in each one's journey.

My father has been diagnosed with gall bladder adenocarcinoma. His diagnosis came after an histological examination of the extracted gall bladder and

were a shock to all members of our family as my father has until recently been working like a boss, for hours at an end and his only symptom was an undeliberate

weight loss, which he attributed to him getting old and losing muscle. Because of the Covid19 restrictions, we were not allowed to travel to the countryside often

so the weight loss just took a few months to be noticeable. In the last two months before his diagnosis he suffered a very intense pain in the abdominal area,

and remained in the hospital overnight and that was the start of a difficult journey to find what was wrong inside his body. Ultrasounds/sonograms, CT scans, doctor after doctor,

everyone thought this was just an ordinary case of a gallbladder having stones that didn't show to the tests as they were probably on the smaller scale, and that the weight loss

was probably due to his digestion problems caused by the gall bladder, so they removed it.

The oncologist said that, unfortunately, it is quite common for that type of cancer to be found after the initial cholecysestomy. So, just a routine operation,

but the first sign of trouble was that it lasted for 4 hours, not so typical for a routine cholecysestomy. His surgeon told us that he hadn't seen such a sclerotic gall bladder for years.

And that his whole abdominal area was full of symphysis, I don't know the right medical term for that. They also found a quite big mass in his duodenum, which they took a sample from, 

and luckily this one wasn't malignant.

He is now on steroids, so he can gain some strength to go through his first rounds of chemotherapy, with GemCis. I am not sure if he can handle it and I am constantly worried.

He is 82 and although not suffering from any heart or other major organs conditions, the fact that they cannot operate is a major sign that the treatment is palliative.

I adore my father to bits, I love him, he has always been my rock, this lovely philosopher, gardener, lover of countryside and tree hugger. I cannot imagine a life without his constant  

existence in my world and I am trying every day to come to terms with this terrible diagnosis. Why did he have to get such a rare type of cancer? And all the ifs and whats and whys are in 

my mind day and night. How much time do we have with him? The oncologist is not so clear to tell yet, I guess he is waiting until the chemo starts. He is going to have a day of chemo for

2 consecutive weeks and the 2 weeks of rest. I cannot stop thinking that we are counting months and that the clock is ticking. I try to spend as much hours, days, weeks as I can with 

him, surprise him with books and paintings he loves, discussions with subjects he is passionate about, and trying not to burst into tears every time I think of the time passing and of

possible metastatic tumors found in the next months.

  • Good evening Margia, so sorry to hear about your dear Dad, i  fully understand how you are feeling with all the ifs and buts and why me , i often felt like this when i had cancers of the head and neck. All we can do is put our trust in consultants and see how effective the chemotherapy is . My mum did not get the option of any treatment because it took so long to diagnose that it was the gall bladder area so its good news your dad has been given this option as the oncologist/consultant must think there is some chance of controlling the cancer. Its always a worry when our loved ones are going through these difficult times, i just want to wish you and your dad all the best for the treatment and hope you have plenty more discussions together, take care.

                                                                                                           Chris x

    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

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  • chris2012, thank you so very much for your positive message, which means so much to me right now. I am sorry that you went through this with your mum and on top of that to learn that you have also been in the same boat and dealt with cancer yourself. How are you doing right now, are you in a good place with your therapy, are you in any kind of therapy by the way, or in remission hopefully? My warm best wishes to you and to your loved ones, sending a big big hug your way! :)

  • Good evening Margia, you are more than welcome, I'm all good now and not receiving any type of treatment or therapy, i think being positive helped me so much even though i had bad days im just thankful i gave my consultant and his team the chance to cure me. I have never regretted what i went through and got so much inspiration from my mum very much like you and your dad. Just wish the weather was a bit warmer Slight smile. Sending hugs to you all also, take care.

                                                                     Chris x

    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

    Community Champion Badge