Newly Diagnosed

  • 22 replies
  • 19 subscribers


I'm Jayne and I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma on March 1st this year, purely by chance. I was referred on fast track by my GP for an endoscopy after seeing her with constant heartburn even though I take Lansoprozole. That was a big fail and the consultant referred me for a CT scan, I had two within 4 days, one with dye and the other was a barium meal. Two days after the barium meal, I received a call to say they had found that I had enlarged lymph nodes and I was being referred for a biopsy on fast track. A little over three weeks after that biopsy, I got the results... it was follicular lymphoma.

To say I was shocked is an understatement, the only symptom I had was that the day after my dye CT scan, a lump appeared on the back of my head! Since diagnosis it's been a whirlwind of appointments and tests, one of them turning up a kidney problem (again with no symptoms) for which I need another CT scan and possibly a stent fitting. I'm finding it hard to get my head around the fact that I have cancer, but nothing is being done yet as far as treatment is concerned because it's very early stages.

One or two so-called friends have been very dismissive of it, one even questioning me on what treatments I was having if I had cancer? The other saying her husband had a blood disorder, he's fine!  But in the main, my friends have been amazingly supportive. I have two daughters (40 and 34) raised them as a single parent, a gorgeous 11-year-old grandson and a wonderfully supportive man in my life, I'm very lucky in that respect.

We haven't told my grandson what's wrong yet, but we will be soon before he accidentally overhears adults talking and comes to his own conclusions!

  • Just to be clear, not a bladder catheter.. a nephrostomy.. tube straight out of the kidney at the waist. There was some question as to whether they'd do a nephrostomy or not so it's obviously not always done. I know what you mean about legs splayed. Luckily I knew nothing about that except they had me wear paper knickers in preparation and I woke up without them, so that put a picture in my head!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Londoner12

    Ahh I understand, what a joy eh? I wonder if it depends on the extent of the blockage? I should hear from the urologist this week, the MDT meeting is this morning; in one way I'll be glad to hear what's happening and in another I'm dreading hearing it!

    Oh that made me chuckle! NerdJoy Those paper knickers are terrible, I always end up putting a hole in them somewhere... don't suppose that matters in this case Laughing If it happens that way, it happens, nothing I can do about it. I wonder if they put the new one in then, or if they do like they have with you, wait to see how the kidney works?