I’m here for my husband.

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Thanks to  I’ve found my way here, not had time to read much yet but I will.

My husband has kidney cancer and is having yearly CT scans, that’s where the lymph nodes in his groin was noticed, I’m thinking they’ve been keeping an eye on them for a year or so. We went to haematology yesterday where we was told he has Non Hodgkin Lymphnoma, Follicular, he gave an arm full of blood as he called it, waiting for an appointment for a bone marrow biopsy to see if he will need radiotherapy or just watch and wait, I’m very new to this kind of cancer so may have got some things wrong. The Consultant and CNS nurse was very nice. 

it’s nice having you all here, my husband 80 next year but a very young 80 and I’m sure he’ll do well. Oh by the way the kidney CT scan was still all clear phew! Xx

  • Hi again  and well done navigating over to this corner.

    Follicular Lymphoma is one of a number of different types of Low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma. My type of NHL is also Low-Grade and although treatable it is incurable so it is seen to be a chronic health condition.

    Active Monitoring (Watch and Wait)  is a peculiar mindset when it comes to cancer but in Lymphomas like FL it often is the way things can go in the early days.

    All the links above are taken from the Lymphoma Action website. Lymphoma Action is the only UK Lymphoma Specific Charity who have lots of good reliable information, videos and run regular Lymphoma Online Support Groups for patients with a few groups specifically for Family and Carers...... I highly recommend these groups as there is nothing better than talking with other who have walked the journey.

    They also have a great Lymphoma Action Buddy Service where people can be linked up with someone who has walked the same treatment journey. They also have a Lymphoma helpline on 0808 808 5555 where Sharon or Nic will be on hand to give you some support - open every week day from 10 till 3.

    Good to hear that his clinical team were very nice e - this helps a lot. As always we are around to help as best as we can ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • I’m still learning about Lymphoma and what a lot to learn. I tried joining a couple of sites, Lymphoma action UK support been one but my request was declined, I didn’t realise there was a form to fill out, I asked again but think it’s a no no as it’s been pending for a few days also Follicular Lymphoma has been pending for a few days so don’t think I’ll be allowed to join that either even though I filled the form out. I’m a bit upset about it really. I joined kidneys sites and bladder sites with no problem.

    Anyhow my husband goes for his bone marrow biopsy on Thursday at Lincoln hospital, does anyone else use Lincoln?  we also use it for kidney and bladder cancer. 
    Thanks and sending hugs to you all x

    Sue Xx
  • Hi Sue, I had a look in the Lymphoma Action site and yes your application is pending as you had not completed the first question correctly as the question asks how you or your family member is affected by Lymphoma but you only put your own name in.

    I am actually a moderator on the site so I will approve it now.

    We have to be very carful as we get so many spam attacks on the site the questions are very specific - sorry for this ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Just checked and there are a few members in the LA Group in the Lincoln area Thumbsup

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • thanks very much for your help, yes I’m now a member. Xx

    Sue Xx
  • Do introduce yourself and your husband along with his diagnosis and I am sure the group members will be right with you including me Wink

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Sue, Mike was so helpful when I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma last year and having chemo, he is so knowledgeable and supportive and put my mind at ease when first joining. Others will also help you greatly in their experience, it’s a wonderful site to be on and will give you reassurance for your husband.

  • Thanks , yes Mike has been helpful, and put my mind at rest a lot,  Lymphoma is so unlike other cancers. I’ve a lot of reading to do and until after the bone marrow biopsy results we’re still a bit in the dark I think. My husband is taking all in his stride, he doesn’t feel Ill so I think that helps a lot. I’ll keep you all informed of how we get on. Big hugs x

    Sue Xx