Duodenal adenocarcinoma

  • 24 replies
  • 7 subscribers


I was diagnosed with a duodenal tumour in late summer, I was booked for a Whipples but the PET scan showed spread to regional lymph nodes so my surgery was cancelled and I was referred to the oncologists. There were a few delays, due to the pandemic I think, but I started Chemotherapy at the beginning of December and am now midway through my second cycle. Is there any one else in a similar situation? 


  • Hi Salis

    I have just joined this group as my wife has recently had the same diagnosis as you and we are awaiting our first appointment with the oncologist on 20 July. I was really pleased to see the May 2022 update on your profile. Any information you could give on type of chemotherapy etc. would be really useful prior to our appointment. Thank you in advance.

  • Hi,

    I am sorry to hear about your wife's diagnosis. I see from your profile that she has mets in her liver and has had a stent fitted. My spread, which was only found on PET scan, was local and regional including mesenteric and para-aortic lymph node disease. 

    My treatment was started with palliative intent, I had six rounds of Oxaliplatin and Capecitabine. I did find the treatment hard, I think the first time the Oxaliplatin was given over two hours, by the end of my treatment I was receiving it over 4 hours  and with a dose reduction which reduced the side effects. I stayed on the same dose of Capecitabine, which is taken orally, throughout my treatment. Several times my treatment has to be delayed due to low platelets, but each review scan was encouraging, as as you have read I now have no measurable disease. fingers crossed for my next scan in August.

    If you have any specific questions please feel free to ask here, or by sending a private message - that can be done by connecting through my profile.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Salis

    Hi Salis, 

    My mum has recently received a diagnosis of duodenal cancer with mets to the liver and small volume spread to the lung. 

    She is starting her first chemo appt next week. (they've said she's inoperable and incurable)

    We are trying to stay hopeful even though she is in a lot of pain and/or very drowsy from the pain killers.

    Reading through your updates has made us feel less isolated and a lot more hopeful.

    Glad you're doing well.

    how is your wife doing? 


    Kiki xx 

  • Hi Lilkiki,

    I am sorry to hear about your mum's diagnosis. As you can see from my updates I have had a very good response to treatment that was only expected to give me a little more time. 

    I hope that your mum's treatment is a successful as mine has been. 

    Best wishes
