I was diagnosed with CLL 2 years ago

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I was diagnosed with CLL, 2 years ago, managed to get on a trial using a targeted therapy monoclonal antibodies. The treatment cleared all my lymph nodes swelling. My lymphocytes levels have been normal for 2 years. Wanted to reach out to anyone who has had monoclonal antibodies treatment for CLL.

  • Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • Thank you for your advice, I really appreciate it.

  • I am on obinutuzumab and venetoclax  at the moment. Don't know if that's the same. I mean some people call it targeted therapy some people call in chemo. Been on it for two months its quite intensive still and dominates your life, but on the whole it's OK. 

  • Hi obinutuzumab is targeted and venetoclax is chemo I was on them both just over a year ago they made me really poorly. Good luck in your journey 

  • Thanks, the obinutuzumab made me quite poorly on the first one, since then it just makes me tired, the Venetoclax makes me feel sick and also tired, but hopefully it will be worth it in the end, just gotta get on with it and hope that it gets me into remission.

  • Yes I was on the same treatment, the best thing is to drink a lot of water, to flush the dead cancer cells out of your system. I drank 2 litres a day.

    Hope your managing your treatment ok, it’s a daunting treatment but is very necessary.

    I had no reaction to the infusion, only to the tablets towards the last few days.

    I wish you the best luck with your treatment, it’s hard going but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

  • one of the worst things is swallowing the tablets, they are huge, i spoke to my team and they let me take the 50mg tablet but more of them, i have recently discovered chocolate milk to help swallow the tablets, its a bit slimy so helps the tablets go down easier

  • Also, the swelling on my lymph glands and spleen has gone down dramatically except for one on my neck that is still quite prominent, I am hoping this goes down in time too. i am also hoping that the fatigue i am feeling will reduce so i can start exercising again soon.

  • obinutuzumab clears all the mass lumps very quickly, Venetoclax cleans up after. Venetoclax Made me feel sick too, there are nausea tablets you can take, ask your consultant. The treatment gets rid of all bad lymphocytes, your levels will be normal after the treatment. That’s called remission. How long, I think it depends on the individual, if the cancer comes back because it a slow growing cancer it should be manageable by tablets like Venetoclax. I have been normal for 2 years so far. My main issue is the nausea, feeling sick, but strangely ginger biscuits relieve my symptoms.

  • The tablets are huge, I use to swallow the tablet with loads of water. My spleen & neck, under my arms swelled up very fast, I had the treatment as an emergency. Don’t worry your on the mend, just imagine a tunnel each day you get closer to the exit, that’s how I managed & also meditation from YouTube, guided meditation it’s called to make you feel calm & relaxed that helped me in my worse times.