New here have lupus and now cervical cancer

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  • 40 subscribers

Evening all, I'm new here and trying to navigate this site and my feelings! 

Here's my story and questions.  In september I was getting really random burst of pain on and off for a few weeks, went to gp and she referred me for a scan as iv a history of ovarian cysts (had an ovary removed) the gp called a few days later and said her referral was refused due to not enough symptoms 

Beginning of November I had a really random burst of diarrhea (literally 30 mins of constant) then a massive bleed which is very unlikely me as I take the mini pill and havnt had a period in 14 years (since having my wee boy). After 2 days of losing massive clots and having to change hourly i went to out of hours who sent me to hosp for a scan.

While having the scan my womb and remaining over looked very healthy but an abnormality was found in my cervix and a biopsy was taken, 10 days laterbi was called and told I have cervical cancer and looks to be a massive around 3 cos. I was sent 2 days later for a contrast mri and 5 days later got a call from a different dr who was a gynecologist and oncologist he seemed really confused and nothing showed on the mri and he asked if I could go for a check. He confirmed a massive but not as big as 1st thought but alot of swelling too (i have an inflammatory disease called lupus so swelling normal) had a lletz procedure about a week later and dr confirmed either stage 1a or 1b and after results are bk next steps would be discussed.

On the 19th of December the specialist nurse called and told me the next step was a radical hysterectomy  and I'd be called for an app. On December 24 I was called and given the op date of jan 21st then sent an online pre op.

My question is the bleeding stopped the day they took the biopsy and iv had very little pain since then is this normal.

The only pain I'm really getting now is from not being on my lupus meds, has anyone had lupus and a hysterectomy than can share stories x

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    I haven’t seen lupus come up in the group before but it might be that someone who reads your post might come along and be able to share. I don’t have any experience of the condition myself, but we have lots of ladies in the group who have been through radical hysterectomies.

    I see you’ve had your diagnosis of cervical cancer, but maybe it might be reassuring to know that a 3cm tumour is not massive, though it might seem large. Many ladies have had much larger, but stage 1a or stage 1b does at least mean that you can have the surgery and hopefully won’t need any further treatment. 

    It’s good that your bleeding has stopped, and you have very little pain, so I’d try not to worry about that. Have you checked when you will be able to take your lupus meds again, or does that need to wait until the surgery is over with? 

    I’ve had different surgery, but I  hope others will be able to reply with their hysterectomy experiences and that everything goes well for you. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks so much for your response, it will probs be a while after surgery as with lupus it's an over active immune system and my meds kill my immune system so they probs won't won't to do that too quickly incase of infection. I'm a really active person usually work full time have a young family and usually go to gym 4 times a week too. I hate "chilling" so I'm really worried how my mental health is gonna cope not being able to get out and about after surgery 

  • Hi  

    You shouldn’t be out of action for too long after the surgery-you will be encouraged afterwards to get up very soon after the op and walk around, and once you’re home, can have gentle walks to start with. It will take time to get back to a regular gym programme, but the nurses will guide you on what you can do and how long it might take. It would depend too on whether your surgery is keyhole or open abdominal, which can take longer to recover from. Sounds like you have a very busy life but you will need to take things easy immediately after surgery as you’ll have some healing going on inside which you can’t see. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Yeah fingers crossed i spring back i think its just the unknown. Everyone's said how brave I am I'm trying so hard to not panick or let it get me down but painting a smile on is exhausting in itself x

  • It’s very wearing trying to be “strong” all the time for others-you’re bound to be scared facing surgery-I think everyone is. But it’s not too long to wait, and you’ll soon be on the road to recovery. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm