Panic and anxiety

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  • 41 subscribers

I am feeling very overwhelmed this morning. Treatment starting in the next 3-4weeks l. I have my CT scan for radiotherapy measurements on Wednesday. Had to try out laxatives last night and only took half the dose as I was worried about the aftermath. It hasn’t worked! 
I’m scared and can’t function today. 

  • Hi  

    I’m sorry to see you are so anxious about things….it can be very stressful dealing with a diagnosis and not knowing what treatment will bring. 

    Is there a reason you used the laxatives, or are you preparing yourself for your planning scan? I found laxatives quite harsh, and preferred something which acted rather as a stool softener. However, I did need to use suppositories, just the once, to enable me to complete my planning scan successfully.

    Can you share what’s bothering you the most and making you feel unable to function so that we can try and help support you? It’s natural to be scared, but it is difficult to live in a high state of anxiety all the time, so maybe we can help with some advice which helped us at the same stage of the process you are at? 

    Sarah xx

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