New here, colposcopy soon

  • 6 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi am 29 and wanted to create a new thread as it has been helpful reading other stories. I don’t have any bad news I have had a smear every year for the past three years. My last two were hpv positive no cell changes and my recent which was my third was hpv positive with abnormal cell changes. I am due my colposcopy on 1st November. I am a bit nervous but not scared , I am just hate waiting. Whatever comes I’m ready for it or hopefully it will be all fine and good news. Would like to hear everyone colposcopy experience down to the procedure and getting results and what kind of results there can be?

thank you so much :)

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    I’ll just say hello and hope that you’ll hear back from some of the ladies about their colposcopy experiences as my own experience is different. 

    Hope the procedure goes smoothly for you, and everything is good, but if you need any support in the group, please just post any time.

    Sarah xx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

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  • Hi Jadeycakeey, 

    I had my first Colposcopy about a year ago and like you was a little nervous but I can honestly say it was fine, Not painful and I felt comfortable.As I was having a Lletz treatment at the same time They gave me an injection to numb area and it felt like a tiny scratch for a second. From then on I felt nothing. In fact I found the Colposcopy and Lletz  easier than the smear test. The nurse was also lovely and so considerate and kind.

    I sat back  in a special chair and there were some bright lights. I wore a skirt and top so it was quick and easy to get ready for the procedure as opposed to having to take trousers to off, just pulled skirt up. A small thing I know but anything to make things easier.

    Reading your post again I think you just been told you having the colposcopy, they want to take a closer look and perhaps take a biopsy to check any abnormalities. 

    The abnormalities are  described as CIN 1, 2 or 3.

    I waited about 2 weeks for results and they tell you about treatment if any needed.

    I wish you well. 


  • Thank you so much for sharing :) xx

  • I had a colposcopy and lletz treatment.

    It wasn’t painful at all and nurses were really supportive.

    Afterwards I had a small amount of bleeding for about 3 weeks.

    I was told results would take a month but mine came back in 2 weeks.

    Fortunately mine were clear.

    The hardest part was the waiting and worrying for results.

    Keeping fingers crossed for you 

  • Thanks for sharing this has put my mind at ease no point worrying at all, a lot of peoples experience seems to be a letz following thank you for sharing :) x

  • Hi, I had colposcopy a year ago with biopsy, all came back low grade changes and I was clear for another year to check on the progress. I had another one today with biopsy. Was okay too not too painful it's all over in 20 minutes. All ill say is just try to relax the more relaxed you are the less you will feel it.