Abnormal smear results

  • 8 replies
  • 39 subscribers


Every perseon reading this will be in absolute mental torture over their abnormal smear result. It comes in the form of confusing, scary wordings with vague grading. I didn't listen to advice and deep the internet scared myself half to hell so please don't do that!

Please check your results with the link below to make sure they have put you in the right pathway for how many weeks you should legally have to wait for colposcopy.

If in the wrong pathway pick up that phone and you call the GP AND the hospital that you are booked in at. Do not stop - cuts, strikes whatever the nhs has its plate you are entitled to the full benift of this essential screening including anything and everything beyond the smear. 


My absolutely best wishes for anyone going through this. Here for anyone that may need me! 

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    Would you like to tell the group about your own personal experience which has brought you here? It can be helpful for others who find themselves in a similar situation to share experiences, and offer support to those who are going through comparable worries or concerns. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sarah,

    I had abnormal smear with low grade dyskarosis. I’m not a natural just to panic person but I received a call from a dr at the surgery. He basically said I’ve seen you’ve had an ankle reconstruction on private medical if it’s available I think you should book you colposcopy because I don’t think you should be waiting 6 weeks. Naturally this induced panic and I booked private and am waiting on the biopsy result I receive them Monday. My private consult was very keen to see my actual smear result. Something I was not aware was available. He explain is uploaded to you nhs app. Once he say it he said based on what he has seen during the examination and this I should prepare for treatment on the Monday .

    Tow years ago I had PID result is premature septic womb ask A&E said I just had a STI I remarkably did not and no one is sure how the infection came about.

    I really do think that the nhs is negligent when it’s come to women’s issues we are not trusted and more often than not important femal issues are over looked. 

    forum after forum is terrible, women who just have scary words to navigate when actually a standerdies numeric system is already in place for every referred smear. We should have every information available to us so we can advocate for the care we are intiled to 

    thank you for your reply x

  • Hi  and thank you for sharing this with us. Hopefully others will find it useful information to have. Most of us in the group do have or have had cervical cancer, but we do have ladies joining us with worries about smear results. 

    I hope your biopsy results will confirm the low grade dyskariosis, and not be any more severe.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I am so sorry to have posted this to a forum of women going though such an immensely difficult time. 

    I really am just trying to get this information out there as much as I can sorry if it was not appropriate to post on this tread. 

    having reached out to cervical cancer charities they are not happy to post this information which doesn’t sit well with me and this was the most obvious way to spread the message. 

    thank you truly for taking the time to reply. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. 

  • Hi  you haven’t caused any inconvenience at all by your post, but I just wanted to make you aware that the majority of women posting here have had a cancer diagnosis and are looking for support through that. 

    I appreciate that you are trying to spread a particular message, but for many of us we are not at the stage of having an abnormal smear result and replies to your post may be limited because of that.

    Have you tried to post on Jo’s Cervical Cancer trust? 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Yes I have but they continually remove the links. All forums show how nervous and scared women are by the vague results letter. Women are waiting months for colposcopy. If you have your full results you are able to advocate for treatment better and if the guidelines match current result in 2023 it baffles me that they should stand. 

  • Links may get removed from your post here too-that will be a decision for the community team if they review them, or if they get reported, especially if they are not current guidelines. The community here focuses on producing accurate and up to date information. 

    If your links are being removed, it may be best not to continue to post them.

    I’m sorry but I haven't read your links as they are not relevant to my personal situation having been through advanced cervical cancer, since smear tests don’t feature in my life any longer. This may be the case for other women in the group who have been through certain cancer treatments.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I absolutely understand and I really do thank you for all your replies even when my link and information is not relevant to your personal  circumstance.