Radical hysterectomy

  • 7 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi there

I’m due to have my surgery in 2 weeks time. I just received my letter off my gnae oncologist and I found the medical terminology really scary, especially the risks involved!  I know that I’ll need a catheter for 2 and a half weeks. I’d be grateful if anyone can tell me what it’s actually like post op? 

Thanks Yazzy

  • Hi and welcome to the group!

    You have to be advised of all the risks to be able to give informed consent to surgery, but it doesn’t mean any or all of them will happen! I got used to seeing death as the last side effect listed in my consent forms, but I’m still here! It does seem a very long time to have a catheter in though-I think I’d be questioning why so long, as I’ve not seen that before. 

    Is there anything in particular that is scaring you about the terminology that we can help with? I’ve had more major surgery of which a radical hysterectomy was effectively one part, so I do have experience. Post op you’ll need to take it very easy and not overdo things as it’s a major operation and you’ll have a lot of healing to do. I’d recommend stool softeners for afterwards as you don’t want to be straining to go to the loo, and a cushion for your tummy if you’re coming home by car. No lifting of anything more than a mug of coffee and plenty rest as you’ll be tired. Anything you particularly want to know and I’ll try and help from my own surgery experiences.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Yazzy

    How is your surgery being done ?abdominal ?laparoscopic (keyhole).  Abdominal usually has a longer recovery time then laparoscopic. 

    I had Da Vinci robot assisted laparoscopic in 2017 and just needed one night stay in hospital.  I didn't have much pain afterwards, despite refusing the epidural anaesthetic, and only needed the post op pain medication for 3-4 days. My medical team's plan was for their patients to have a catheter in for a week following a RH although one of the doctors said they used to plan for 2 weeks.   Apart from bladder issues (I was especially unlucky in that sense - long story) my main recollection of post op recovery is finding it difficult to get up from lying down and being impatient for my keyhole incisions to heal.

    I can't exactly say what the long term effects of my RH might have been because I subsequently had chemo-radio which has left me with some long term side effects.

    Overall the only long term  side effect which really bothers me is lymphoedema.  Having my lymph nodes surgically removed gave me a risk for lymphoedema but radiotherapy increased my risk for developing the condition

    Hope all goes well for you.

    I was diagnosed with stage 2A squamous cell cervical cancer (node negative) in 2017 following symptoms: persistent, watery, yellow vaginal discharge then post-menopuasal bleeding.  My treatment was a radical hysterectomy followed by chemo-radiotherapy.  My long term side effects include lymphoedema and urinary retention which I manage with intermittent self catheterisation.
  • Hi Sarah

    thanks for the reassurance regarding risks and consent to my op. I know now that I just panicked when I read my letter! Based on your advice I’ve  booked a telephone conference today with my support nurse so she can clarify the relatively long time I need a catheter…..and lots of other questions too!

    I’ll definitely take a cushion for the car journey home - it’s something I wouldn’t have thought about.

    Much appreciated your support based on your own experience 


  • Hi 

    It’s a really good idea to have a call arranged to go through your concerns today. I found my specialist nurse very helpful.

    has made some good points too, especially about the type of surgery and it’s impact on recovery time. My experiences were open abdominal surgery each time and it’s a much longer recovery than keyhole. Beth also has lots of very useful information about lymphoedema due to her own experience and research. I’ve been lucky enough not to suffer from that, but it’s good to know the signs to look for just in case.

    It’s amazing how bumpy roads become when you’ve had abdominal surgery-popping a cushion or pillow over your tummy is very helpful-we have a lot of speed humps in our road so I was very grateful for that extra support. 

    Keep posting and let us know how you’re getting on.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Beth

    Thanks for all the information, really helpful. It sounds like you’ve had a really tough time and I wish you well.

     I’m having open surgery so I’ve been told it’s 3-5 days in hospital. Ive  got Adenosquamous carcinoma stage stage 1B2. I’m quite fit and healthy and didn’t have any symptoms at all - it’s been picked up during a smear test and I’m 65 so guess I’m lucky it’s been found out now.

    For now, I’m going to ask lots of questions as I’m new to all this. Google is a wonderful tool but mind boggling. Appreciate the support from you with first hand experience of having the operation….

    all the very best 


  • Hi I had radical hysterectomy on 12th Jan. The surgery was not as scarey as I expected having never been in hospital before and the pain relief management was excellent. I think I must have a good pain threshold but 8 days on from surgery I don't even need paracetemol. The one thing I would warn you about afterwards is your bowels. Took me a week to go afterwards and the pain and nausea from wind was really bad. I would advise you to ask for peppermint oil if the wind is bad as that works really well and to take laxatives and stool softeners when offered.  They are so good at helping as long as you tell them before it becomes a problem. Hope all goes well for you xx

  • I was very like you .. fit as a flea and 1b1 x