Smear test results - high grade dykorsosis severe!

  • 12 replies
  • 25 subscribers


I just had my smear test results and I have high grade severe dykorsosis. 

I am panicking so badly thinking the worse. Thinking I have the big C. I haven't stopped crying since I've got the results. I've got a coloscopy on Wednesday next week. Has anyone else had this? I had HPV for quite a few years now, last year I had to have a coloscopy as my smear came back showing abnormal cells, when I went there the doctor said my body should heal these and to have another in a year. How has it gone from only slight abnormal changes to severe? 

I am so scared, it is consuming me and honestly controlling my every thought. 

Another night of not sleeping. 

I pray someone else is online and can speak to me regarding this tonight! 

Thank you so much for reading. I've never once posted on a forum before but I am so fed up with family and friends not understanding how I feel. 


  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    I hope I might be able to reassure you a little at least tonight. No need to panic at this point!

    Fist of all, those words can be very scary when you see them in black and white. But they don’t mean you have cancer. 

    What it means is that you have some level of abnormality of the cells in your cervix. Your test has shown that  the hpv virus (extremely common amongst the population) has caused cells in your cervix to change from how they should normally look. 

    You’ve had a colposcopy before, so this will be the same on Wednesday-another look at your cervix, where these abnormal cells (which is what dyskariosos is) will be checked. They may take a punch biopsy which is a tiny sample of issue and send this away to be analysed in the lab. I had several of these little biopsies done and it wasn’t painful for me-it was over in a few seconds. 

    When the cells are tested, you may need some treatment to remove them, which happens at the same clinic in a short appointment. The treatment is called a LLETZ treatment, or it might be called a LOOP treatment, but it’s just the check that the abnormal cells have been successfully removed with a clear margin around the tissue that has been removed. You would then have another appointment in a few months to check that everything has gone back to normal.

    Many, many women have had a result from screening of abnormal cells at various levels-some require treatment and some regress on their own. The main thing is that severe dyskariosos is NOT cancer, and treatment to remove the cells should be all that’s needed. 

    It’s sad to see that you are crying constantly and can’t sleep-please try and relax and know that this is going to be dealt with. It might be concerning for you to read other posts in this group from those of us who have gone through, or are going through cancer, so I’d recommend that you try not to let your mind run away with thoughts of some sort of worst case scenario. 

    Please try not to spend another night awake-I can understand you’re scared, but abnormal cells can be easily treated and you should be able to move on successfully afterwards. I’m still here if you need to chat, but hope this might have reduced your anxiety a little.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hiya 

    Thank you so so so much for replying and for your explanation. 

    I wish I could shut off and just be positive but I'm honestly thinking the worst. 

    Thinking what if the previous coloscopy I was misdiagnosed and now I'm riddled and I'll be terminal. 

    Honestly I'm so so scared x

  • Hi Pickles 32,

    Just read your post and can tell you are very worried. Please don't panic, don't jump to any conclusions. You are going to have a Colcoscopy on Wed so they can have a closer look and decide action needed. This is the usual procedure as you know from your examination last year. 

    Last time they took the decision not to give you any treatment, perhaps treatment will be needed this time but abnormalities does not mean the worst. 

    Please don't let panic consume you. I understand that these letters can cause upset, is there a telephone number on the letter? Sometimes you can speak to the Colcoscopy staff and they may be able to help you.

    I the meantime take a deep breath and try not to worry. You have been monitored and will be looked after. Ask the Colcoscopy staff all the questions you want to.

    This is an excellent forum, very sensible and informed. Hope you find it helpful. 

    Serena77 x

  • You haven’t been diagnosed with cancer, and you can’t be riddled with abnormal cells as they don’t travel within the body and are localised to the cervix. 

    It may be that as you had abnormal cells at a previous colposcopy and they weren’t removed at that time that your body’s immune system has not been able to get on top of things so they are still there. I’d expect in that  case you will have to LLETZ treatment and that should be all that’s needed. 

    You’ll make yourself ill panicking about this if you let it consume you, which won’t help you at all. Until someone tells you that  you have cancer, you don’t have cancer, far less terminal cancer. I’ve been through cervical cancer twice and believe me when I say that abnormal cells are easy to deal with and be got rid of successfully. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for replying. 

    They gave me a number to speak to the coloscopy nurses but no body has answered when I called. 

    I'm going to ring the appointment line tomorrow to see if there has been any cancellations.

    I've got two children 9 & 12. And I have to do school run in the morning but honestly I just cannot sleep for the life of me! 

    Thank you again for your reply x

  • If you have an appointment for Wednesday, that’s only 3 days away. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Yes I know and I probably sound so selfish but I just feel like 1hour is a whole day right now. 

    I spoke to my GP Friday and he just gave me some diazepam for my anxiety and said we will do bloods and they're tomorrow at 1.05.

    My gland is up to on my left side in my neck, I'm looking into this thinking oh my God my body is definitely trying to fight cancer x 

  • I just want to reinforce everything Sarah H21 has said in her replies. Abnormal cells are easily treated with Lletz. Dont get ahead of yourself. 

    All the Best


  • Your mind is running away with thoughts which are not facts. If you’re run down, it can cause the lymphnodes in your neck or other places to be raised as your body is trying to fight an infection which can cause the lymphnodes to react.

    A blood test should show if you are lacking in any vitamins or if there is any sign of some sort of infection. It does not on its own diagnose cancer.

    Have you got any symptoms which are concerned about? I’ve been through advanced cervical cancer, and certainly had symptoms.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I didn't think I did, but now since my smear has came back I'm thinking we'll I do feel bloated quite often. But my periods are regular and I don't bleed when I shouldn't, sometimes spotting a few days after my period ends but I've always assumed that's normal.

    My mum always told me that's the last of the period having to come out without sounding crude. 

    1. Xx