Not offered a follow up smear for HPV

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New here. I recently had my first ever smear test at 24 years old.

The results came back as high risk HPV with mild cell changes.

I went for a colposcopy and a biopsy was completed. I have now received the results of this, and it showed there were no significant abnormalities which is obviously great.

However, it says I will go back to normal testing every 3 years.

My concern is shouldn’t I be offered a follow up smear sooner than the 3 years due to having a high risk HPV? I know people who have had HPV with no abnormal changes, and have been offered a yearly smear to check if it still present or not, so wondering why I have not been offered a yearly follow up.

Is there anyway I can get a smear sooner than the 3 years as I am very worried leaving it for 3 years, in case something develops in those 3 years.

Thank you for any help.