Brachytherapy advice

  • 13 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi I have just finished 5 weeks of Chemo and Radiotherapy and I am due to have Brachytherapy in hospital tomorrow and then again next week. I am quite nervous about it does anyone have any advice or tell me how they felt post treatment. I feel so tired at the moment. x

  • Hi 

    Well done on getting through the first part of your treatment-it is certainly very tiring, but hopefully you haven’t had any major side effects? 

    I’m sorry I can’t help with brachytherapy advice as I didn’t have this, but lots of the other ladies did so hopefully will be able to share their experiences. There are different types of brachytherapy-one involving an extended stay in hospital of a couple of days and one which involves going in for sessions like you are in different weeks. Everyone has different experiences of it, but I’m not sure if anyone will reply before your first treatment tomorrow. The group seems quite quiet at the moment.

    All the best for tomorrow-think of it as the last blast to get rid of anything still there. I hope it goes smoothly for you.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Trudyf 

    How did you get on with Brachy? Hope it went well with no hiccups.

    I personally didn't cope very well with it but with a chat to consultant and a few tweaks with the meds I got through it.

    Angela xx

  • Hi Ange it went ok last week. I would say of all the treatment this was most unpleasant as I did feel pain when I was lying flat with applicators inside. I also suffered with bed sores. I have experienced bowel issues this week mostly diarrhea. Tomorrow I go in for the final two treatments but at least I know what to expect. I am all done on Friday. Trudy xx

  • Hey Trudyf 

    I also felt pain and got very little breaks between treatments. So my 1st was on a Tue then again 2 days later on the Thurs and final 1 on the Tues again so didn't get a lot of time to heal in-between but it's a distant memory now thank God lol. You're almost at the end and you can finally relax and start to enjoy life again just in time for Christmas xx 

  • Heeey, well done for completing your 5 weeks! Such a great feeling knowing that you don't have to go in everyday isn't it!! 

    So I had my 1st brachy yesterday. I know its different for ladies who have had surgery and I've heard that different hospitals and cancer hospitals do it differently. 

    I am stage 1B3 and didn't have surgery. I had my 1st brachy yesterday. They put me straight under general anaesthetic, so I have no recollection of anything. They brought me round for the MRI, then I went back on to the ward while they planned the radiotherapy. I think I was on the ward for about 1.5hrs while they planned everything. During this time I had the electrodes inside me. I couldn't feel it though as they also put packing inside which was soaked in local anaesthetic. I was then taken back to theatre where they put me back under general anaesthetic for the radiotherapy. I was then brought back around after treatment and had to lie flat for about 4hrs. I slept solidly!!! 

    Today I'm pretty uncomfortable so I'm taking codeine every 4hrs. 

    But the whole experience was absolutely nothing to worry about, and I feel a lot happier about going next Thursday!! I hope that helps 

    Good luck with your journey! Heart

  • Hi, was there a particular reason that they gave you a general anaesthetic to have the brachytherapy? Or is that what happens with everyone?

  • I had four sessions of brachytherapy in December 202I. The anaesthetist gave me the choice between a general or spinal anaesthesia. I chose spinal and I’m glad I did. Was extremely uncomfortable following the procedure, but was numb for a few hours which helped. Also no nausea or other symptoms which can result from a general anaesthetic. Also given a morphine tablet each night which allowed me to sleep. I found that having the packing removed was the worst bit. But it only lasted a couple of minutes. Still experiencing the after effects because the radio and brachytherapy has damaged my ureter and I had to have  a nephrostomy in December last year. The treatment for cervical cancer seems to have worked. Only problem was that they discovered lymph node involvement in 2022 which required chemotherapy. That was successful and only side effect was losing my hair. Finally in 2023 I managed to have a symptom free Christmas(apart from getting used to having a nephrostomy bag). Next appointment in April but feeling quite optimistic.

  • I was told that hospitals do it differently.. but for ladies having brachy they put them under as it's more comfortable and easier to do (if there is no reason they can't go under general anaesthetic) it's just how they do it in this particular cancer hospital. Hope that helps! 

  • I had a spinal when I had my brachytherapy and stayed in hospital to complete the whole course in one so I didn’t have to keep going back for it, my went ok no complications but I did feel pain and after finishing brachy I suffered so bad with horrendous diarrhoea for about five weeks, then the diarrhoea calm down, but it’s been over a year now and I’m still struggling with my bowels, is anyone else struggling with the bowels for this amount of time after completing radiotherapy and brachytherapy? Xx

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    As this is an old thread, you might be better to start a new thread with your question and hopefully get some experiences from the other ladies. I noticed you’d also added a reply to another older post, so again if you put up a new post you could add to that.

    I had 32 radiation treatments, but no brachytherapy, and although I did have problems with diarrhoea from 3 weeks into treatment (along with radiation cystitis) these issues cleared up for me soon after treatment ended and things went back to normal.

    I noticed you are still having some pain in your leg and pelvis. Can I ask where you are in your scheduled post treatment follow ups? I would recommend speaking with your CNS and possibly arranging for a check up to see if this needs further investigation. 

    I think we all have the fear of recurrence somewhere at the back of our minds, and that’s very usual after you’ve had a cancer diagnosis. However it’s important to report any new symptoms or any that are getting worse as you might get reassurance that it’s nothing serious and can be managed. Definitely the pelvic pain will be worrying you, so it’s best to have a chat with your CNS and get some advice. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm