2 Week Wait Worry

  • 3 replies
  • 32 subscribers


I'm new to this forum and hoping for some insight as I wait for a 2WW appointment to see a gynacological consultant. I went to my GP last week to talk about some discomfort during sex that I attributed to perimenopause but when she examined me she found a small <1cm ulcer in my transformation zone on my cervix which bled when swabbed. She explained that due to this being present she would refer me to be checked for cervical cancer. 

I'm up to date with my smears, never had a unusual HPV result and my last test in Easter last year was normal. I have no bleeding, discharge or any other symptoms except the pain I described above.  

Needless to say I'm freaking out about the referral and despite telling myself there's lots of things this could be, it could also be the worst thing I can imagine and I'm struggling.   

I have my appointment on 3rd October and wondering what I can expect from this appointment? I have no info yet on what tests and scans it will involve. Could anyone share any experiences of similar referrals and whether the consultant is able to offer any info there and then - or will I have weeks of further waiting for biopsy results?  

Thanks all x

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    It’s always a worry to get a referral, but it doesn’t mean it’s cancer-it does mean that you will be seen quicker. 

    My first appointment when I was referred was a chat with the gynaecologist about symptoms and general medical history. Then I had an internal examination, and a hysteroscopy (a little camera into my womb to check there}. As I had a visible lesion on my cervix, I then had some punch biopsies taken. It took a week to get the results, and from there I was referred to have a ct and mri scan. I didn’t have any kind of scan at the actual appointment. It’s a biopsy that will determine if there is cancer there. 

    My gynaecologist didn’t mention cancer, and only told me that he could see a lesion on my cervix and needed the biopsies to be done, so you may not get much information at an initial appointment. 

    Hopefully there is a reason other than cancer, but it’s good to have this ruled out. I hope you don’t have to wait long for your referral. It’s an anxious time, but try not to use Google to diagnose yourself as that’s rarely a good idea and increases anxiety. I hope you’ll let us know how you get on, and there will support here for you in the group if you need it.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for your reply Sarah and for the insight into what to expect although a 'punch' biopsy sounds more than a little painful. 

    I want to try and manage my own expectations that I won't get any definite results until the samples come back but even though it's a few weeks it will feel like waiting a lifetime. 

  • Sorry I’ve taken so long to reply  -I’m away on holiday at the moment. I had several punch biopsies, and I didn’t find it painful at all.

    It does feel a long time for results, I understand that, and  I had my biopsies pre covid wait times, which were different. Please try to focus on what you know for now-which is only that you’ve been referred to a specialist who will see what other tests may be required. It’s best not  to try to anticipate or worry about what may come next.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm