MRI followed by PET scan - scared

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  • 28 subscribers

Hi all, so around 4 weeks ago my punch biopsy result came back as CIN 3. Two weeks ago I had a LLETZ procedure and the consultant took away 10mm of my cervix. This is my second LLETZ. The first was in 2016.

I was admitted to hospital after the second LLETZ because they could not stop the bleeding. Fun times…

Anyway, last Friday I had a MRI, which I know my consultant had made a referral for. But then on Monday I get a call from the bookings team, requesting I go to the hospital on the following day for a PET scan. So I’m massively panicking thinking that they’ve seen something on my MRI. 

I’ve left 2 voice mails with my consultant’s secretary asking why I had to go for a PET scan, but no response since this Tuesday. I got so worked over everything today, I booked an appointment to see my own GP who has thankfully prescribed me with Lorazepam which should take the edge off things whilst I wait for a response from the hospital. 

He confirmed to me that if the consultant radiologist made the PET scan referral then it is very likely that there is something abnormal showing in the MRI scan, but that this could be numerous things such as inflammation, infection, scarring and of course cancer. 

I feel so scared right now, and I wanted to write down my feelings and experiences so that I could share them with people who have been through or are going through this extremely daunting process. Any comments would be gratefully received. Xxx

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    You've had a lot going on, so no wonder you’re anxious, and it’s definitely a difficult time. I can completely understand why you’re panicking when you haven’t been given a reason for the petscan, but please try not to let your mind run away with thoughts. 

    It’s common in a diagnostic process to have different investigations and different scans. With scans, they are giving different pictures, looking at different things, so I don’t think it’s possible to deduce anything from the timing of having your mri and petscan so close together. I had an mri and Ct scan within a week when I was having my own tests.

    I know it’s scary right now, but you just need to sit tight, and wait for the scan and the results to be available to come to a decision, and not assume that something has been see on the mri. Waiting is really difficult, I know that, but try to keep yourself busy and distracted as much as possible for now. Your doctor is being thorough, making sure everything is checked and that’s a good thing for you. If you do get a diagnosis of cancer, then the group is here to support you through and I’ll hope you’ll update us on how things go.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for your message Sarah. It was really comforting to read xx 

  • I would say you’re in a very difficult part of the process right now because you don’t know anything for sure. Once you have all your results back things honestly become easier to handle. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Sarah.  I had an appointment in the Gynaecologist Oncology department come through for the 7th August. I immediately assumed the worst. My sister in law was an angel and contacted the secretary to find out what was going on as if received zero updates and was assuming the worst. I’ve been really disappointed with the lack of communication from the hospital. It’s verging on insensitive.

  • Hi  

    It’s true that we can feel communication can be lacking sometimes, but that’s fairly standard that we just get letters sent out by a booking department at the hospital. 

    Did your sister in law manage to find out anything further? An appointment for 7th August is actually not too long to wait, though it must feel like it’s far away. But the sooner you are seen, the sooner you will be able to find out more and know what’s happening. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm