Hysterectomy advice

  • 7 replies
  • 36 subscribers


I am after advice from those that have had full hysterectomy at an earlier age and was sent into early menopause. I have been to see a different dr today and she has told me that I should be having a full hysterectomy for the type of cancer I have and not keeping my ovaries like my original consultant has told me I can. I wanted to keep them as I’m only 39 and not ready to deal with early menopause. But this dr today said she removes them every time with this cancer as it’s likely to go to ovaries. Can anyone tell me what it’s like taking HRT please? I know everyone is different but how did you find early menopause with recovering from surgery at same time? Are there any side effects from the HRT? And how many tablets do you take and for how long?
any other advice I’d be very grateful for. Anyone I know that has had a hysterectomy have all gone through menopause already. 
thank you 

  • Hi  

    I was post menopausal when I had everything removed, so I’m sorry I can’t help with advice about HRT. I hope some of the younger ladies in the group might be able to share their experiences with you. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi  

    I had my radical hysterectomy in October which included removal of ovaries (aged 39). They started me on HRT patches a day or two after my op. I have not noticed any menopause symptoms so I guess the patches are working well. I also use a low dose estrogen pessary to help with some bladder issues. I am 4 months post op now and am used to using the HRT. I change the patch on my thigh on Mondays and Thursdays and put a pessary in on those days too. Takes a couple of minutes and then I can forget about them for a few days. I will be on the HRT until about aged 52. 
    if you have any other questions just let me knowx

  • Thank you so much for the replies. The information you’ve given me has helped ease my mind so much. I had no idea there were patches and I’ve also just heard about an implant too which I’m now going to research. 
    I do have some more questions but please only answer the ones you’re comfortable to answer. Do you pay for the HRT patches? If so how much? The pessary you have is that a personal thing to you or just something anyone has with the hysterectomy/hrt? 
    How are you feeling now after your surgery? Do you feel different inside? I know that seems like a ridiculous question. I just cant think how, that they’re removing so much of me that I won’t “feel” different. It sounds silly and I have so many of these mad questions going around my head. 
    thank you both so much for your time and replies 

  • Hi  

    I’ve had much more removed than would be removed in a hysterectomy-click on my name to read what is removed in a total pelvic extenteration-but from my point of view, things don’t feel any different inside now.

    Definitely it did in the beginning, due to my pelvis effectively being empty, but things settle down in there and it should be the same for a hysterectomy. I have effectively got very little left inside, including having no vagina or rectum, and in addition had my gallbladder removed last year, but what is left settles into place. The body is truly an amazing thing and mine feels the same as it did 4 years ago before I had surgery. You’ll be fine! 

    Any question is fine if you don’t know the answer so don’t worry about that! 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sugarplum,

    I had a radical hysterectomy at 45, when I went into surgery the plan was to leave my ovaries, but during the surgery they found a clearly cancerous lymph node and so they took out my ovaries too, as the risk was too high to leave anything.

    I now take a little pill of estrogen every morning, (I used to take birth control pills so it's easy for me to remember). i don't think I have had any side effects, although I am a bit up and down emotionally, but I think that's due to life in general, not the pills!

    Good luck with everything, I know people who use the patch and they find it good, so I guess it's just a case of following the instructions and keeping an eye on your own particular case.

    Big hug,


  • Hi Sugarplum. I am not sure what type of CC you have but here is my experience. I am currently typing from my hospital bed after having a radical hysterectomy 5 hours ago. They had planned to keep my ovaries as the tumour was very small and contained in the cervix and he felt it unnecessary to remove them as I am only 36. It was supposed to be open abdominable but they had a look through keyhole first and everything looked really healthy so he couldn't justify doing the abdominal. There is no harm in raising the question again to your doctor to ensure that removing your ovaries is the bedt option. Again , im not sure what stage/type your CC is but no harm asking them again.

    S xx

  • Hi  

    I’m happy to answer any questions. My consultant gave me a letter to ask my GP to prescribe the HRT patches so they are free. My consultant advised me to try the vaginal pessary around 8 weeks after my op to try to help my bladder improve. He just said to give it a few months and then decide whether to continue with it or not. I think my consultant seems happy to try and offer whatever HRT works for me (so upping estrogen if needed) but so far I feel happy with it so am not going to change anything. I may ask to try a tablet instead of the patches in future but only because the patches leave plaster marks when removed which I then have to scrape off!
    I did feel quite weird for the first couple of months post surgery. I was very numb at the top of my legs and all around pelvic area. I felt like I could feel a plank of wood inside (sounds strange I know!) but that feeling has gone now. My skin is still a bit numb on the outside but seems to improve all the time. Bladder is much better too. I had open abdominal surgeryx