Feeling blue

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  • 31 subscribers

Update I have all my tests done and waiting on results but for some reason I'm finding it abit hard and the waiting game is hard and I'm feeling abit blue today and very teary but I'm trying to stay strong and positive but that's not happening today I just wanna go to bed and sleep Cry is this normal sorry stupid question 

  • Aww  

    It’s absolutely normal, honestly, and there’s nothing to say you can’t go and get under the duvet and have a sleep.

    It’s exhausting waiting for things to be finalised, and very stressful. No wonder we can feel tired and washed out-the anxiety makes things very tough at this point in the process.

    And I’ve said before, don’t pressure yourself to feel strong and positive all the time as that’s not possible, and perfectly natural. Let yourself have a cry and feel the emotions you feel. It’s horrible to get a cancer diagnosis and we’re allowed to feel negative thoughts and have a wobble at times. It would really be odd not to.  Other days will be better and you’ll feel stronger, especially once you know what your plan is and you can focus on that.

    At least that’s all the tests done, and hopefully you won’t have to wait too long to find out the next steps. Sending you a big hug.

    Sarah xx

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  • Thank u so much Sarah Heartpulse