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Hi, I don't even know where to turn on this one but I bathed my mum this afternoon as she's feeling so weak currently. After she got out she had a sit down and I noticed there were 4/5 spots of blood on the towel she stood on when she was out. She said oh I'm sure it's normal but Its only just started. Is that normal for stage 4 cervical cancer. I don't know when she is telling the truth about things or not, the oncologist asked her is she had any bleeding earlier this week and she said no. Obviously it's the weekend so not sure where to turn plus she didn't seem bothered so I don't know whether I will just be seen as interfering?

Thought I would ask here with others that have or are going through the same that they may know

Thank you x

  • Hi  

    I can see how concerned you are about your mum. Is she having any treatment yet? 

    Bleeding is one of the symptoms of cervical cancer unfortunately. I had stage 2b and had a significant amount of bleeding until I was a couple of weeks into my radiotherapy when it suddenly stopped,

    It may be that it’s just started, but I’d encourage your mum to be honest with her consultant, and let them know. You could always phone the CNS(cancer nurse specialist) allocated to your mum for advice too. It’s important that the team treating your mum are aware of any new symptoms.

    Is your mum in any more pain? 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  •   her treatment will start in about 2 weeks, we are still awaiting a appointment to come through for that.

    Again pain has been a big issue as she was just making do but we do finally (I hope and think) that she has that under control now anyway as I was with her when It was sorted with the GP

    Yeah I am not sure if the CNS works weekends or not so wasn't sure where to turn, I have said to her if she bleeds alot she needs to let me know and I will get in contact with someone, it's just the fact she said she hasn't been bleeding (bar blood in urine up to now as she had infections too) and she did have some bleeding 7 weeks ago but said she hasn't for the last month at least.

    Thank you for replying xxHeart

  • Hi  

    I’m sorry-I couldn't remember your mum’s exact circumstances, and there wasn’t anything in your profile for me to check to refresh my memory.

    The CNS is unlikely to work at the weekend, but if you become very concerned, then you can phone 111 for advice. It’s good your mum’s pain has been assessed and managed and thank goodness you were at the GP appointment with her. Hopefully that will help her to cope while she's waiting for treatment to start. 

    Do you want to share with us what treatment she will be having? It may be that someone else in the group will have gone through the same and might be able to share their experience. 

    I hope things settle for you both over the weekend.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  •   oh yes I've just done that, not sure if I've done it properly but tried to put all details in.

    Her chemotherapy treatment will be over 6 cycles (1 in 3) but re scanned after 3 to see if it's working.

    She will be on Bevacizumab and carboplatin paclitaxel

    Her cervical tumour is 10cm and it's spread to her lungs, liver, groin, lymph nodes in stomach and some bones

    My next step is getting her out, we've now got her a wheelchair, she's quite weak so I need her strong for chemotherapy. I also think she's depressed too x

  • Oh  Ive just read your profile and am so sorry to read your mum’s latest scan results. That must have been an awful shock to you both to have so much to deal with.

    We do have other ladies who have been on the carbo/paclitaxel chemo combo and had Bevacizumab (Avastin) which is a targeted drug. I don’t have experience of these myself, but I hope other ladies who do might see your post and pop in. 

    It’s understandable she‘ll be feeling weak, but I hope you’ll be able to get her outside in the wheelchair for some fresh air and to maybe cheer her up a bit. Is she eating ok? She will need to in order to keep her strength up, but I know it can sometimes be tough if you don’t feel like it. You can get extra help in the form of special drinks which would get her the vitamins she’ll need if she’s not managing much. and adding extra calories with stuff like cream and cheese to things you make can help. When I was struggling, the thing I most enjoyed was mashed potatoes with butter and gravy. Seems silly now, but it was all I could manage.

    This will be a really difficult time for you as carer, so I hope you have support around you with family and friends to help. You can also phone the Macmillan support line (the number is in my signature) if you need to talk to someone. They are lovely and very kind. They can just listen if you want, but can also offer emotional support. 

    I really feel for you in this difficult situation you’re in, but please don’t feel alone. There is help and support for you in the community and there will always be someone to listen.

    Please look after yourself and take care. You’re doing a lovely job of caring for your mum.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  •   thank you so much, she's eating but little portions and I think I will try get her those drinks to get vitamins in her. Xx

  • Ask the gp  -you can get these drinks on prescription. I had ones called Fortisips-they come in little bottles in different flavours. Eating a little is good-just make her whatever she fancies and can manage. And please make sure you are eating too-you need to keep your strength up. I looked after my mum for a time and I understand how tough it is. Sending you a big hug.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm