Has anyone had successful treatment without long term side effects?

  • 8 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I’m awaiting an appointment at Colposcopy and have been reading through a lot of the threads in this group. I have to say I’m pretty worried by the number of people who seem to have pretty debilitating long term side effects from treatment for CC, especially concerning bowel/bladder problems.

is there anyone who hasn’t ended up with these? Is it possible to go through treatment and have zero lasting effects?

  • Hi

    I can't help with your question but I noticed that your post hadn't had any responses yet. By replying to you it will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussions list.

    When you have a minute, it would be really useful if you could pop something about your journey so far into your profile as it really helps others when answering or looking for someone with a similar diagnosis. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Ali80

    I've have met and talked with a number of women who have been through treatment for cervical cancer.  Although I have had a lot of treatment I seem have been relatively unlucky with side effects, especially as I have lymphoedema in my foot and ended up with a semi-paralysed bladder which are both very debilitating conditions for me.

    However, I know of a lady who had very similar treatment to me and she has virtually no long lasting side effects, except her vagina is not quite what it used to be, but she says she has come to terms with that and has all but put her cancer experience behind her. 

    Everyone's different in how our bodies react to treatment and of course any side effects will to a large extent depend on what treatment you need. There are quite a number of possible types/stages of cervical cancer and treatment options, something I hadn't realised before I entered the 'cancer world'

    At the other end of the spectrum, treatment -wise, I've met a lot of women who have had LLETZ treatment for microscopic non-invasive cervical cancer and they are often seem to come through the experience very well, in the long term.

    If you're wondering how I get to meet these women; it's partly because I have attended meetings (pre-covid) organised by various cancer support organisations notably Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust and also I do a lot of self-led awareness raising about the importance of smear tests - sadly I didn't keep up to date with my smears because of certain mistaken beliefs I had and, I feel, inadequate support from my GP.

    I was diagnosed with stage 2A squamous cell cervical cancer (node negative) in 2017 following symptoms: persistent, watery, yellow vaginal discharge then post-menopuasal bleeding.  My treatment was a radical hysterectomy followed by chemo-radiotherapy.  My long term side effects include lymphoedema and urinary retention which I manage with intermittent self catheterisation.
  • Hello Ali80, when I was diagnosed with cc  was terrified that I'd have those problems but I have been fine.  Everybody is different and not everybody is going to have the same issues.   I do wish you every success with your treatment and a speech recovery.


  • Remember that people are more likely to post about negative experiences than good ones.  I didn't get involved with any forums until more than 2 years after my cancer treatment, when it became apparent I had significant long term side effects.

    I was diagnosed with stage 2A squamous cell cervical cancer (node negative) in 2017 following symptoms: persistent, watery, yellow vaginal discharge then post-menopuasal bleeding.  My treatment was a radical hysterectomy followed by chemo-radiotherapy.  My long term side effects include lymphoedema and urinary retention which I manage with intermittent self catheterisation.
  • FormerMember

    Unfortunately I don't have any different to add, pleaded with consultant to avoid chemo and radiation and researched having a surgical procedure only. When I awoke from operation my bladder didnt work, was kept in 5 days....now 8 years later my bladder still causes me issues. I don't know what happened during the surgery but I ended up with an issue with my right leg also...assume that happened when removing the lymph nodes....no amount of tests has figured out the issue and I'm just left to deal with the pain and weakness. 

    I still see my consultant every year because no-one seems to be confident to do yearly smears anymore since they are now vault smears. Good luck with your journey and I hope you are one of the lucky ones xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I completed treatment in June 2020 for cervical cancer. I had 25 radiotherapy, 5 chemo and 3 brachytherapy. I would say at the moment the only affect I’m still getting is that I can’t eat certain foods as they make me sick but I think I’ve worked it out to be dairy so I avoid. And my vagina is narrower and shorter so when I have sex it’s sometimes slightly uncomfortable but this is not an issue at all. And obviously I can no longer have any more children as the radiotherapy damaged my ovaries. But in all I am living a normal life.

    I agree with a previous reply that people are quick to write about their negative experiences so be kind to yourself when going Facebook groups etc. Most people who have gone through and come out of treatment ok want to forget the whole ordeal.

    Keep well xx

  • Hi 

    I finished treatment for stage 3c cervical cancer in May 2020.

    5 cisplatin 25 radiotherapy and 4 beachy. 

    So far I have had very minimal side effects since finishing treatment just the occasional bowel problem but that really depends on what I eat. So I just cut out those foods (unfortunely it seems to be all my favourite comfort foods Cry)

    Menopause was a bit of a bugger to start with. But now the HRT patches are working I am "normal"

    I hope you have started your treatment now. Best wishes. 

  • Hello ,
    I hope you are doing well.
    I was diagnosed with CC at the end of 2020 and just had a radical trachelectomy three weeks ago, so far I’m recovering very well, the only different thing is that due to removing the lymph nodes I have discharged lymph fluid, this happened a week after surgery, but it seems to be settling. No further treatment required for me so far. I hope this helps xxx