Hello Everyone... I feel scared..

  • 3 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hello Everyone... hoping today is a good day for you ... I am very keen to hear from anyone who is in a similar situation as myself.. Basically my Breast Cancer has spread to the throat  The cancer has latched around  the main artery via the aorta sheath   By way of treatment for this growing tumour my Oncologist says  it boils down to, radiotherapy is not option because it will do brain damage and surgery is not an option to remove the growing tumour because I will bleed to death as it will mean cutting this main artery between the brain and heart. Hence chemo seems to be the only option and so far this is failing...

I was diagnosed 6 years ago with Breast Cancer and that was stage 4... it had already spread to my lungs and bones. 

These spreads were relatively easy to come to terms with but now that it has spread to my throat, this in practical terms and indeed day to day living is filled with unimaginably difficult. 

This spread has happened in my throat in the last 8 months or so... I now cannot speak normally, I cannot sing anymore ( and I have had the joy of singing in an opera in one of the leading roles) I have lost all pleasure in eating and drinking (due to swallowing issues ) even making basic a phone call is difficult due my voice being paralyzed ...  just having a normal conversation with my best friend, my husband is taxing 

Is there anyone who in a similar situation?... I feel very lonely by way of where the spread of this breast cancer has gone..... My Oncologist says it is rare for it to go to the throat... this I find scary..  If you are in the same situation or similar it would be comforting to hear from you   

  • Hi Georgiana

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that your breast cancer has spread to your throat.  While I’m not in a similar situation to you I noticed that you haven’t had any replies yet so I thought I’d reply to you to welcome you to the community. Hopefully someone will be along shortly with an answer for you.

    Best wishes


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  • Dear Daisy53.... Thank you for acknowledging me.  I am not techno savvy and I was thinking I had incorrectly followed the instruction on how to join... either that or as my Oncologist says, she knows of no one who has had breast cancer and it has spread to the throat... she did use the word 'rare' but this word is frequently used in connection to cancer.  With no replies to my joining the forum, I am sensing she was using the 'rare' word literally... and that is scary.  I hope you are coping with what you are confronted with.... Thank you again for saying hello and all the very best  


  • Hi Georgiana,

    I'm not in the same position, recent de novo diagnosis - bone mets. I can't offer any wisdom, this disease is so unpredictable and it must be scary not knowing of any people experiencing similar. I don't know if talking to people with primary throat cancer would help at all?

    Sending hugs xx