Mestatic breast cancer in leg

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers


I have been experiencing pain in leg. An xray confirmed lesions. I had bc 13 years ago. I have an appointment on Tuesday with bc clinic. One stop shop. My GP referred me to BC and Orthopedic. Orthopedic called me yesterday evening to tell me not to walk on my affected leg. I am now absolutely terrified and feel so desolate.

Thank you

  • Hi LStoker

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that they found lesions in your leg.  If you feel up to it why not call the helpline on 0808 808 0000 to talk to someone about how you are feeling.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your appointment.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you for your reply. I called at 9am this morning and spoke to someone very nice x

  • Hi, in the autumn I was diagnosed with bone mets 15 years after primary BC. Not ideal but it can happen. I was admitted as an emergency after an MRI given for worsening back pain showed imminent spinal compressions and stuff in other areas. They are right to tell you to be cautious but it does not mean you are crumbling or they are even sure you have BC mets yet. I did, and have since had radiotherapy, hormone and targeted treatment and this week had a pin put in my thigh. This is treatable and manageable for potentially a long time. I wish the best for you and do remember how much treatment is advancing year on year. 

  • Hi, I have bone mets (de novo - mets at time primary cancer diagnosed). For me it's my ribs, sternum, upper spine, pelvis. Just started hormone treatment this week (tamoxifen and zoladex). It's 'normal' to be scared, it's a big thing to take on board. I'm about 3 weeks out from being told I had bone mets, and I've calmed a lot. It does get easier, for me it was being told I was starting treatment, it wasn't just being left to grow unchecked. Because there are treatments to slow it down, to press pause. We aren't down and out yet! Getting on a good pain med regime was also a big help. Hope your appt gives you some answers, xx