Side effects following treatment

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi, joining a group is so 'not me', I'm such a private person. Diagnosed in 1989, mets to lung in 2012 and further mets to pelvis in 2021. I'm on Palbociclib, Fulvastrant & Denosumab injections monthly. Does anyone have fatigue symptoms or feelings of weakness towards wk 3 of meds. Pensive

  • Hi Dolly1963

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have Secondary Breast Cancer.  While I don't have an answer for you I noticed that you haven't had any answers yet so I thought I'd reply to you to welcome you to the community.  Hopefully someone will be along shortly with an answer for you.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hello Dolly1963, 

    I’ve just joined the Macmillan community today! I was diagnosed with Primary Breast Cancer after a routine mammogram in Sept ‘21, but after a ct scan it moved to Secondary as it had metastasised to my liver, spine and pelvis. That has all been zapped with EC chemo and I’ve been on Letrazole, Palbociclib & Denosumab (now 3 monthly) since June ‘22.  I am 3 weeks on and one week off which I think you are the same…to let your neutrophils recover in the 4th week so as to have bloods and start again. I felt very tired and weary in that 3rd week until about 6 months ago. I try all sorts of things but I’ve always taken Coriolus Turkey Tail, Calcium, a wedge of 90% chocolate! Magnesium, 2x Brazil nuts, vit.D, cherry active pills…occasional Vodka and tonic!  I walk 2 fat dogs for an hour a day and sleep quite badly. 
    anyway, I think it’s only normal that you are weak in the 3rd week as your white blood cells and the neutrophils will be down.  Do you take a copy of your blood results each month? I always take a copy of my bloods as it was such a struggle in the beginning to get my neutrophils high enough that my oncologist dropped the mls of Palbociclib to the lowest…70ml. It sort of gives you a window on your energy levels.  Probably too much info!  Take it easy…your body is amazing!  Best wishes. 

  • Thanks so much for that, it explains a lot. I was on Letrazole alone for many years but after the 2021 further occurance I was started on Fulvastrant (butt injections... ouch! ), Palbociclib 175mgs, Denosumab and Accrete D (tablets) every month; my neutrophils were very low last month; sounds stupid but I often forget the my body is going through 'stuff' and just expect that I can carry on with life as before. 

    I've never heard of Coriolus Turkey Tail or cherry active pill, but I'd started having a couple Brazil nuts every day but my diet is such that I don't think I need the extra... I like the sound of the 90% chocolate though; I'd given up on magnesium but I think I need to restart that. I'm struggling to get out for walks; I don't have pets and I've become quite unaccustomed to daily exercise as fatigue is a huge problem. However I'm grateful for each day that I wake up, fatigued or not. 

    Thanks again for reaching out. All the very best to you too. 

  • Hello again. 

    I just wanted to say that I'm the same in thinking that my body must get on with it, when of course I am astounded that I'm still here! 

    Can you try and do some sort of light stretches in your house, to help your body keep flexible?  I joined a cancer group at my hospital (free 12 sessions) in their gym.  I'd never been to a gym before (aged 60!) and it was brilliant.  Lovely kind people to help with the machines and suitable activity...we were all sorts of ages, shapes and sizes. I didn't know it was offered but just asked one of the nurses if there was anything like that - I also had some on line therapy through the NHS which was good.    Ask your Breast Care nurse if they have anything like that available near you. 

    I know the debilitating issue of fatigue...deep fatigue.  Take care and take it slow
