Breast cancer spread to the liver

  • 4 replies
  • 24 subscribers

So today (as I have said in replying to a post)

I was told about my chemo plan, I am going to have 6 session one every three weeks along with two ther drugs whites names escape me. 
I saor with my husband we cried I am so angry I don’t want to get sick or die i have so much to live for and what I want is reassurance that I can survive longer than 5 years and how to cope with the treatment, 

I feel like my head is going to explode I have such a headache from crying 

thanks xxx

  • Good morning 

    I can relate to being angry scared confused it’s scary and then you look on goggle and the prognosis they have on there is really scary my oncologist has advised that goggle is so out of date even though i know this i still look on it some days i think it’s hard not to but i have better days when i don’t look at it 

    for me it’s taken a while to get my head around i have secondary breast cancer and the first year was a real test but i am now living with cancer i choose to get up every day and live or what’s the point the fear of dying was making me not live well so i have now decided to get up and face the day and learn to love and appreciate every day i have i really hope u have support i done a lot of reading there’s a book called glitter my turd the lady who wrote is is 25 years living with cancer very inspiring listening to the inspiring stuff it’s helped me x 

  • Thank you lightlove,

    I have had a good sleep mostly out of exhaustion, but feel positive.

    I too have gone to google and need to stop.

    I need to be positive I have far more to do, I will deal with this, I have found a local group to me and will join.

    i am now nervous the meds and how I react to them.

    love and hugs to you there are some amazing positive stories and they are the ones we should  read. 
    I’ve just ordered the book you recommend Hearts️Hearts️

  • Good morning

    this is my first chat. 
    In April I couldn’t stand walk or have the energy to do a thing. I thought I had sciatica and pulled muscle. 
    turns out I have stage 4 aggressive breast cancer that has invaded nearly all my organs. 
    I cried. I buried my head for I did not want to die as I was told I would very soon. 

    today I’m on drugs. My second CT scan shows the beast has not spread anymore. 
    I still cry and ask why me. 
    I live with pain daily. 
    I work because I have no insurance and if I don’t work I’m scared we loose our home. 
    I am so grateful to be in a better place than two months ago. But I’m scared of everything now. 
    I just feel like I’m existing. 
    my black hole is not getting any brighter. 
    can I ask does anyone else get mood swings?

    thank you 

  • Love the sea 

    my heart feels for you, I too am going through the same emotions,

    I am starting my chemo next Friday and so so so scared of the whole process and the side effects. 
    but your story gives me hope that the meds work.

    as for the mood swings I haven’t started any treatment but yea to the mood swings, I just want to be left alone I feel I am a performer when people are around.

    I love music and I turn it up loud and dance around my kitchen as it lifts my mood 

    Are you not on the NHS ? 

    your results are looking good there is light, even if it’s a glimmer, be strong keep strong go do something just for you that’s beings you joy, cancer goes in f buckets today. 
    sending you love and hugs xxxxx