Hi, new here. Just finishing docetaxol - what's it like on just phesgo?

  • 4 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Hi I was diagnosed with SBC, with tumours on both lungs, in August. Nearly at the end of docetaxol now, with scans to come. (Fingers crossedfingers crossed!) But what's it like being on just three weekly injections of Phesgo? I've been having that alongside the chemo, so I wondered what side-effects I might notice when just on the one? How's it been for anyone else? And Grinning hi to everyone here!Heart eyes

  • Hi

    I was diagnosed in January this year with metastatic  BC (peritoneal  cavity, bowel, bladder, liver and bones) and had 6 cycles of Docetaxel along with Phesgo. Since June I've been on just the Phesgo (and denosumab  for bones) and I'm back at work and feeling generally well. My side effects are minimal. Glad to hear you're at the end of the chemo, being on Phesgo only is far easier!


  • thanks, that's really good to hear!

  • Hi I finished in July docetaxol and since then just the phesgo every three weeks and letrozole tablet, the phesgo doesn’t effect me at all on it’s own, I have no side effects and I have sbc but just in bones only little in the hip and shoulder so I think I’m quite lucky in a weird kind of way 

  • Thank you, it sounds very manageable! Thank you for the encouragement.