New here … 2022 - what a year!!

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3 January 2022 and completely out of the blue, i was told i had cancer of the breast, lung and liver!! … I’d had no symptoms!!??

After all these months of blood tests, biopsies, scans - CT, Ultrasound, MRI, PET - finally on 25 October 2022 i’ve just been given a confirmed diagnosis of Metastatic/Secondary Breast Cancer, ER+ HER+ 

So, tonight i’ve begun to watch videos on living with Secondary Breast Cancer - because I didn’t have the courage to do so before now - i was  probably hoping it wouldn’t be incurable.

I’m on Letrozole and Palbociclib and doing OK just now, as my last CT shows things are stable.

I’m looking at it like this …. a form of remission my Oncologist said …
so at least i am being checked regularly - i mean, most people don’t get monthly bloods and 4 x CT scans a year, do they? … so that makes me feel lucky in a way! 

Thank you for listening - guess i just needed to talk tonight.

Sending positivity, love and hugs.

xx Jan xx