new diagnosis

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  • 24 subscribers

Morning all,  newly diagnosed. firstly with a lump in left breast, biopsy done 10days wait to be told  yes beast cancer treatment planned. chemo radio then surgery. But pet  scan was needed results in 7days later consultant seen. Unfortunately has spread to lymph nodes, liver and left lung..Desvestated to say the least only noticed the lump 3 months ago,  Brain scan organised for Saturday morning..First oncologist meeting Tuesday 9th. Hickman line fitted yesterday, hence no sleep for me tonight haha .

Making matters worse retired to France age 50 2 years ago for a better life and leaving family at home had to phone kids youngest 22 and give bad news. So very scared, All happening so fast,

  • Good morning it is very overwhelming at first it’s taken me 6 weeks to get my head around it I try and listen to the successful storeys that are on podcast they give me hope and help me to see that Thumbsupam not This diagnosis I have a illness I need to treat but I don’t need to let it consume and take away my happiness x good luck ThumbsupPray