Hi I. New on the site , well iv been on it 14yrs ago but here we go again this time my daughter was diagnosed last year with breast cancer, had chemo radio , immune therapy , lumpectomy , and had all clear only, but in September she became very breathless cut a long story she was told it had spread to her lung drain filled, she was given chemo tablets that haven’t worked so now having chemo infusion once a week , she also has a lung drain put in that is giving her so much pain and the fluid has now pocketed, last time around all treatment was fine no side affects only hair loss, this time she is having all side affects, most problem diarrhoea even though they have given her tablets , September the oncologist gave her 12mths , has anyone else got the lung drain put?
best wishes to all on this journey x
Hi Pottingshead and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.
I’m Anne, one of the Community Champions here on the Online Community and, although I have no experience with a drain, I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list again.
While you're waiting for replies, it would be great if you could put something about your daughter's diagnosis and treatment to date into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.
Hi Ann thank you for your comments, I was going to come off the site with no response!
it’s been a hard day , my daughter has not taken to this round of chemo, last year she sailed through it , she called the cancer ward this morning about her side effects that are relentless , they didn’t have any beds available she was told to go A&E but she wasn’t going there , they did phone back to say come in at 9am tomorrow so fingers crossed they will sort her out , At the moment we seem to be at the hospital 2-3 times a week ie bloods ,chemo, oncology, chemo port fitted , lung draining, 3 times a week ie, we can do this from home if we have enough supply’s , it’s horrible seeing your daughter going through this, best wishes to everyone on their cancer journey x
I'm sorry to hear what a hard time your daughter is having and it must be very hard for you too.
I was the one with cancer and, although it was me that had to deal with the treatment, etc, I sometimes think it might have been harder for my husband to only be able to offer support.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for her tomorrow.
Hi Pottingshead. I too have secondary breast cancer spread to my lung, also sternum and femur. I had the lung drained several times before a drain was fitted and had a district nurse visit once a week to drain the lung. It was not very comfortable and sometimes made it difficult to sleep with plastic tube wrapped around. It did reach a point where no more fluid would drain so it was removed. Unfortunately some fluid had crystallised so the lung would not fully expand so I do still get breathless. One thing that does help a little, that I was advised to get, is a small handheld fan. I bought it from Amazon and it’s rechargeable. I’m not sure why it helps and was very cynical at first but it really does help a little. I hope your daughter makes some progress.
Hi thank you for sharing your journey with me, my daughter has been very poorly and was rushed to hospital, she had her chemo and after a day had every side affect, her blood pressure went down to 70 severe Diarrhoea , dehydrated , she has been in the hospital 7 days now , such a shame she went in with hair and its all came out the room was full of it , she only has her drain emptied once a week now her sister or myself do it if we have supplies or go along to the lower limbs department and get it emptied only 100mls comes out now , hopefully she will be home soon , I expect you were so glad to have your drain out just to get a comfortable night sleep x
I'm sorry I can't offer any advice as my cancer is in my ribs sternum and pelvis. Prior I had breast cancer which quickly spread not long after I finished all my treatment.
I just wanted to reply to you at this very difficult time.
For your daughter and also for you.
I hope her team can help with all these side effects as she will feel miserable.coping with them all.
Is your daughter getting a different chemo this time as might explain why she is like this.
I hope you are both getting some support from one of the cancer charities .
Please keep us updated as to how she is doing.
Hugs to you both.
Doreen x
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