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I’m on Gemcarbo for mTNBC mainly to lungs but a few other places affected.  Is it normal that they let my anaemia levels drop so low that I require a transfusion.  I had an emergency transfusion in August, did after my normal chemo session!  Already I’m very close to numbers that put me there.  Doesn’t seem to be anything else offered apart from transfusion. Says great diet would be of minimal help?  

  • Hi Ochno

    I am sorry to hear of your cancer. 

    I had carboplatin and paclitaxel for endometrial cancer. 

    I was often low on haemoglobin and it tended to drop a bit lower with each cycle. I never has a session delayed but did need a blood transfusion. 

    I tried to eat as healthily as I could and also had plenty of vitamin c foods- as I was told that it can help your body absorb the iron from food that you eat. I am not sure if it had much effect but it felt positive that I could do something to help. 

    Why not give the Support Line a call and talk it through with one of the nurses- they may be able to advise you on some dietary changes that may help and whether there is anything else than may be worth trying. The number is below and they are lovely on there.

    I wish you well with your continued treatment. I found being low on haemoglobin is not great on top of the other side effects. 

    If there is anything you need in the meantime, you know where we are.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi there, thanks for this.   Breathless and fatigue to add to breathless and fatigue I already have.  It’s so not good.   Seeing my GP Tuesday to see if they can offer any support or advice.