Ribociclib side effects

  • 3 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hello everyone 

I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer which has spread to spine a year ago I did have spinal surgery as a vertebrae was crumbling and unstable.. My Ct scans three monthly and bloods monthly  show cancer is stable and low grade so that's a positive. I started my ribocicilib in November last year had 6 rounds however I had lots of chest infections and numerous antibiotics all through this and now my lungs show inflammation caused I guess by the meds. They gave me a three  month break off tablets to help my lungs which helped. However during my 6 cycle I started to get bad gastritis and abdominal pain. It cleared up during the three months off ribo but as soon as I have gone back on them within three days it has returned and I am trying to persevere with the tablets even at a reduced dose of 400 daily. Can I ask if any of you lovely people have similar problems with ribo ? Causing indigestion IBS and gastritis ? I am worrying now it has spread to my stomach or bowel even though my latest scan a month a go shows everything stable. Xx

  • I have been on and off Ribociclib since May due to  them affecting my lungs and then having low immune system, l am now taking 2 tablets instead of 3 a day won't know if all is ok until l have another blood test next week. I have been suffering with hot flushes, nausea, and sometimes tummy problems and tiredness. 

    Hope you feel better very soon.

  • Hi Curlyp

    Thanks for your reply and hope you are doing ok. I am sorry to hear about your lung problems too. Fingers crossed your bloods are ok. X

  • I have been on Kisqali since January, I take medication for GERD which I have doubled to help with any stomach issues. Have you been given anything for your stomach problems?