Tnbc mets

  • 3 replies
  • 31 subscribers

i I have tnbc & brca1, diagnosed October 2020. .  I had intravenous chemo for 6 months, then a double mastectomy & reconstruction .  Then I had prophylactic oophorectomy.   6 months after the cancer spread to my brain & lungs.  I had brain Tumour removed in August 2022.  Had two gamma knife treatments over the next year.   Also developed a tumour in the soft tissue of my inner thigh which was removed and was also tnbc, which my oncologist said is rare. I was put on chemo tablets called Capecitibine, These did not work and my lung tumours increased.  I had 6 intravenous carboplatin chemo, this did show some response.  Then in October 2023 I started on olaparib and these have kept my brain & lungs stable so far.
 have just found another lump in leg, which feels the same, as the first one I found and is just below the scar. I am waiting for consultant to call me back.  Anyone else had tnbc spread to leg soft tissue? 

  • Hi again

    I'm just 'bumping' this post back up to the top of the discussion list for you.

    How did you get on with the phone call from the consultant?

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  • Hi

    still anxiously waiting for call back regarding new lump.  I was told my regular consultant is on holiday so another consultant was going to advise x

  • I hope you don't have too much longer to wait.


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