What tests and scans used to diagnose breast cancer mets?

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What is the norm for a complete diagnosis before treatment?   I had a first mammogram end December and given all clear in January by oncologist.  Found lump on my clavicle mid April and since then had ultrasound, CT scan, bloods and a biopsy of neck lump.  Await results of that.  CT showed suspected mets in supraclavicular node on right, axilla on right and lungs also right with a bit of intrusion into the middle part too, also node under breast.  The whole shebang!    I asked if PET or MRI scans will be done too and told no, they will scan as treatment advances.  Looking like chemo of some kind.  Biopsy will determine treatment, oncology on Wednesday to decide.  I was borderline for TNBC last time with very low PR and ER and they think possibly that due to placement of mets, pathology will be the same or actually secondary TNBC?  My concern is it’s grown so fast who knows where else it could be?  I don’t want to be under diagnosed or treated.   Aaargh!

  • Hola!  Didn’t ask about cold cap, I took oncologist word for it, let’s see…I’m not 100% convinced.  

    Still munching, I’m going to be the fattest cancer patient ever!  Headache just about gone.  I think if I take paracetamol before pain comes on, all is well.  That and a full fridge!

  • Hi Ochno - good to hear that the first day after treatment hasn't been too bad for you. Glad to hear that appetite isn't suppressed by Gem-Carbo :-) Hope today has started well for you ! 

    Things are moving forward quickly for me now as well.
    My first chemo is booked for next Thurs 6th June, plus a load of other appts before and after it.
    I'm having a PICC line fitted today as they can't do a Portacath before next Thursday's chemo and they don't want to delay treatment. They have said that they are requesting the Portacath for cycle 2 (still not confirmed that it's approved though).

    Did you get (or need) any anti-sickness meds for your chemo ?
    And have they given you any other tablets or meds that I need to look out for when I start ?
    Thank you !

  • Hola chica!  Headache gone, yippee, feel so much better. A bit of a dodgy tum this morning but nothing bad.

    So glad things are moving along for you.  I hope next Thursday goes well.

    I think everything I needed was in my first drip.  Apart from paracetamol and one naproxen last night I’ve not needed to take anything else, long may that continue.

    I‘m going to push for portacath for next cycle too.  My vein on back of hand a tad tender.  I’ve been making a list of side effects.  Worst one yesterday was the very red face, guess just a bit of a reaction, no fever so that was good.  Better today.

    Up, showered and off for a little dog walk, I shall take it easy xx

    lots of love


  • Hi Ochno - sounds as though you have been getting on well - hope that continues.
    Had my PICC line fitted yesterday (on third attempt!) ; pre-chemo briefing is on Monday; chemo on Thursday. Then a kidney function GFR test on Friday.
    I'm already fed up with life ruled by hospital visits, and my husband must be fed up with being my hospital taxi service ! (Car parking is so bad at our hospital that it's simpler for him to drive me there and then go off somewhere else for a walk and collect me later).
    Hope you're still OK and enjoyed the dog walk yesterday :-)

  • Hi there, sounds like a busy few days for you.  Isn’t it disappointing when you look in your diary and all you have are medical appointments.  Glad the picc line finally played ball and is now ready to go.

    Hospital parking a nightmare here too, There’s a dust bowl type car park closeby that costs a euro but always super busy.  We always end up leaving way too early just in case.  It makes for a long day.  

    Managed a visit to a lovely Swedish bakery for breakfast then a brief beach walk.  Then went and had a pedicure.  Was knackered by time we came home.  All still good, so fingers crossed that remains the same.  

    My 2 daughters arrive tomorrow for a few days, be lovely to see them.  Gives hubby a wee break for a few days.  He’s filling it with manly things like car MOT and the like.  

    I’ve done a little very gentle yoga outside in the sun earlier.   Very pleasant, lots of little aches and pains that now feel a bit more stretched out.  

    Hope all goes well next week, I’ll be thinking of you x

  • Hi Ochno - hope you are still feeling OK after your first chemo last week. I guess you have your second Gem tomorrow ? Hope it goes well.
    And hope you've had a lovely time with your daughters visiting.
    I've had my pre-chemo phone call - they don't offer the cold cap for Gem-Carbo as (they said!) it should not cause much hair loss. I'm happy with that as cold-cap would add extra time to each treatment.
    I have to get bloods done 2 days before each chemo session, and PICC line has to be flushed in week 3, so my diary is filling up !
    Not looking forward to Thursday, but I know it's better to start treatment asap.
    Let me know how you've been getting on with side effects, warts and all, so I know what to expect (well, hopefully no warts :-))
    Good luck!

  • We shall get through this with full heads of hair!   

    2nd chemo tomorrow, a long day, leave at 0630, bloods 8am, cafe for breakfast, onco at 10 then I’m in the chair….eeek!  At least I know what to expect now.  The week has flown.  Tomorrows discussion picc or portacath.  PD L results if in?  It’s tiring being poorly.  Side effects mainly gone by Sunday, last couple of days absolutely fine. Nothing too horrendous.  I’ve gotten by with paracetamol, one naproxen and a couple of omeprazol.

    I hope all goes smoothly on Thursday.   I’ll be thinking of you x

  • Hola! A quick update, bloods good enough to go again.  All amazingly good apart from liver which seems to have taken a beating.

    Still no update on portacath, chemo nurse going to chase as had a few vein problems today, flow rate had to be dropped as very uncomfortable.   

    Home safe and sound, 10 hours with travel time, a long day.  Glad im on a 2 week break, yay!

    side effects the same with swollen hand and arm to add to mix.  An early night called for.

    hope all goes well tomorrow.  Sending love from Spain x

  • Hi Ochno - Glad your second chemo went OK other than the veins. I'm still hoping for the Portacath but actually the PICC is not too bad so far.
    Sounds like a long day for you but at least you get it all done in one visit. Before each chemo I will have to go to a local health centre for bloods on a Monday, then have a phone call on Tues to decide if next chemo can go ahead, then they order in the chemo on Weds, and finally I go to the main hospital to have the chemo on the Thursday.
    Hope you are able to enjoy the two week break.

    Luckily they brought my chemo forward to 10am today and I went straight into the chemo suite for treatment so no time for too much panic beforehand. All went OK and this first batch took about 3.5 hours in total; from cycle 3 it will be done quicker once they know I'm OK with it.
    My husband was allowed to come in for first session so it was quite relaxing though he did go out for a walk part way through. No luxury meals for us, though they did bring round a nice chicken soup and sandwiches.
    I've been given 3 anti-sickness meds to take for the next 3 days (Ondansetron, Domperidone and Dexamethasone) - they said to take them just in case.
    Now a bit headachey and tired (didn't sleep well last night due to worry) but otherwise OK.
    Fingers crossed we both have a good week ! x

  • I’ve been thinking about you all day.  Glad it all went well.  

    Did they dismiss request for Portacath or did you choose PICC?  I’m hoping resolved soon.

    I think perhaps I prefer the Spanish way of all done on the same day and face to face with the oncologist.  A long day but then over and done with.  All my goodies given in a drip before the chemo, the only extra tablet I’ve been prescribed was for heartburn.  That was a bit fierce last time from day 2.

    it’s a long old time for those not receiving the chemo to have to sit and wait.   Hubby came in first time and yesterday left me to it for a while. I tried to sleep but it’s like party central.  3 beds, 3 companions in a small bay and the Spanish are so so loud.  I’ve looked out noise cancelling earphones for next time.  

    Soup and a sandwich sounds alright for the NHS.   Didn’t feel like lunch yesterday so they brought me in some fresh pineapple.  Staff are so lovely.

    I’m on a steroid high, been awake since about 3.30.   I’ll be popping a tranquilliser at bedtime that’s for sure.  

    I hope you have a restful night and no major side effects.

    Ps Do you have both drugs next week?   I thought I’d only get the Carbo part yesterday but both given?   My brain is very foggy!