1st follow up CT Scan today

  • 4 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Hi, I had my 1st post diagnosis CT scan today. I am trying to stay positive, but I actually think I'll have driven myself crazy by the time I get the results! Totally irrational,  all signs look like treatment is working, but I keep convincing myself I will be the exception, and these drugs won't work and the results will be that the cancer has spread. The not knowing is going to drive me mad. And the thought of having to do this every 3 months fills me with dread. Any tips to try and remain positive? I also keep dwelling on the thought that one of these scans in the future will be very bad news, and I imagine my last few weeks.. I cry most days over this.  I want to LIVE the time I have left, but I just can't seem to shake the doom and gloom.  Is it worth speaking to GP? Is this mindset normal, or could I be suffering from depression. X

  • Hi  

    How did your scan go and do you have long to wait for the results?

    I'm not a member of this forum but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list.

    If you feel that you can't "shake the doom and gloom" it might be worth speaking to your GP.


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  • Hi, thanks for replying.  I believe results will be available in 2-4 weeks. Trying hard to "live with cancer" rather than "dying from cancer", but some days my stupid brain doesn't want to play that game! Might give my GP a call. Thanks x

  • Hi Nic

    It is very worrying waiting for scan results. Apparently it’s called scanxiety!  Joy
    I had my first scan about 6 weeks ago and was worried as I could feel pain in my back. 
    The Oncologist was hoping for the results in time for my review 2 weeks later. Radiographer said 4 weeks. I was so stressed waiting for my telephone call that day and had to wait nearly all day.  It was 2 weeks. 
    Thankfully he said very quickly, “the results are good, in fact they’re very good!” What a relief! Blush 
    I know it won’t always be as good news but unfortunately that’s life now. 
    You should probably go to your GP and ask for something to calm you. Also ask for counselling or look for a local support group. A Secondary Breast Cancer group which I joined has made such a difference as everyone is in a similar situation and understands the ups and downs. 
    Hope that helps a little. 
    K x

  • Thanks so much for the reply. Definitely think I'll speak to my GP, and look for a local support group. X