Life is precious

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How’s everyone doing and coping with our diagnosis of secondary breast cancer? I was diagnosed back in October 22 and doing really well. Let’s all share some positive stories for all you lady’s who have been recently diagnosed. We got this girls and we will smash it and grab life with both hands and run.. love to you all xxxx

  • You have a wonderful positive outlook Linda.   One minute I was line dancing then days later told my hip/femur could snap at any time, so a very quick replacement in July 2022.  Wonderful care helped keep me positive….i know it’s not the same story for others and that’s a real shame.  Doing well on Ribociclib Letrozole and Denasunab since but now there may be a problem with my liver….had a scan 4 days ago so fingers crossed.   The only change to my life is no overseas holidays…no hardship at all.

    Yes, love and best wishes to everyone. X

  • This is just what I meeded to read this morning ! Diagnosed on Friday with a liver met and have been awake all night unable to stop thinking about how long I ve  got left and how my family are going to cope . I dont mind admitting that now its hit me, I m afraid ..

    Reading positive stories help me to refocus so thankyou . 

    Gill xxx 

  • I’m so sorry to hear this Gill, stay positive I was talking to a lady other day at my hospital and she was diagnosed with liver mets 9 yrs ago and is still doing really well xxx

  • Thats amazing ! I am trying to stay positive whilst also allowing myself to cry and scream and go through the whole range of emotions that comes with this diagnosis x 

    Its so good to hear positive stories and believe !!!

    Thankyou for taking the time to reply xxxxxx

    I hope you are well and enjoying life xxxx

  • It’s no problem at all I’m really glad I can’t help you feel a little better lovely. I also have a friend on another forum who was diagnosed at 33 with mets on liver and lungs and her last ct scan showed nothing on her liver and lungs and she’s gone into full remission. It’s the positive stories that help me get up in a morning and take care of my beautiful children. Always here if you need to chat. Lots of love xxxx

  • That’s meant to say can not can’t sorry it was my phone xxxx

  • Thankyou x I will get to a place where I can manage the anxiety but just at the moment its terrifying x I am a very upbeat positive person .Its so lovely to connect with people who get it so thankyou again . I ll keep you posted

  • Hi x  Hope you are keeping well ?

    how are you getting on wirh the drugs regime ? I m due to start in the same excepr I m having fulvestrant not letrozole  

    I kniw everyone reacts diffetently but was wondering about side effects etc ?

    Keep well 

    Are you still line dancing ? Slight smile

    GIll xx 

  • Thank you for sharing positive experiences. My question for you ladies as you are doing very well - is anyone taking any supplements alongside the treatment? Are you having a special diet? Thank you! 

  • Hi Gill, sadly I haven’t gone back to line dancing…..thinking about it, then I feel nervous although I’m perfectly able to walk a few miles.  My dancing shoes are still in my car boot.  The mind works in strange ways….am I wary because after the last time I danced I nearly fell into a busy road when the hip pain hit me and that was when it all started?.

    i certainly remember the long sleepless nights at the beginning and the stomach churning anxiety…..trying to process the bad news, the scans and the biopsy then the surgery.  My lovely husband took notes and is a wonderful support to me.  Didn’t start with the targeted therapy until 3 months after the surgery and found the first 2 cycles difficult.  However, after 2 dose reductions of the Ribociclib life became much better.  I got my taste buds back!  Now I find the side effects very manageable….i get a bit itchy and have some hot flushes and can easily nod off on the sofa,  but no nausea.

    It will get better and you will settle into a routine.Two hearts