Spread to bones

  • 9 replies
  • 30 subscribers


I have found out today that my breast cancer has now spread to my bones as well as my liver. I am going on Everolimus, Exemestane and Denosumab. Is anyone else on this combination? I have been taking Capecitabin and did well on that. I would be interested to know other people's experience on these new drugs I have to start.

Thank you

Zeds x

  • Hi  

    That must have been upsetting to find out that your breast cancer has spread but it seems that your hospital team have come up with a treatment plan.

    I don't have the experience you're looking for but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list where it'll be easier to see.

    While you're waiting for replies, it would be great if you could put something about your diagnosis and treatment so far into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Zeds

    I’m in a slightly similar position so feel your pain - so to speak!

    Following breast cancer last year, I now have secondary in my axilla lymph nodes and my lower spine.  Spine is very painful and I had one blast of RT 3 days ago.  I have just started Letrozole and on Tuesday will find out about a chemo tablet and an injection every 3 weeks.  I’ll let you know if anything is similar.

    sorry I’m not much help at the minute but just wanted to reply.

    K x

  • Hi KazED

    Thank you for your reply. Sounds like very similar treatment.  I will have an injection every 3 weeks (think it is every 3 weeks) to strengthen my bones, also on a hormone medication and a chemo tablet, which I hope to start on Friday. 

    Let me know how you get on. Wishing you good luck that it all helps. 

    Zeds xxx

  • Hi Zeds 

    So I’m on Letrozole for the ER+ and so far so good.  Pablociclib is the chemo tablet and I have taken it for 7 days so far - I take it for three weeks and then a week off so a four week cycle.  I get Denosumab injections every four weeks for bone strengthening.  The RT increased my back pain which I was warned about but thankfully it has been easing after about 10 days.  Hopefully everything is working.  

    How are you doing? 

    K x

  • Hi K

    Not feeling great at the moment.  The pain in my hip is still quite bad. I am still waiting for an appointment for the RT, I hope that will help. I also will have the Denosumab injections every four weeks. I am getting on ok with the Everolimus and the hormone, Exemestane, hot flushes are starting to get a bit worse but can cope with them. My digestive system is giving me grief at the moment, indigestion and reflux. I had Palbociclib before the Capecitabin, I did well on that, so hope you do too. Glad the RT seems to be working now.

    Keep well 


  • Hi Zeds

    Maybe you need to contact your consultant about the RT.  It has helped me but initially got much worse.  I got strong painkillers from the GP but I was still in a lot of pain.  I am going to start reducing the painkillers.

    Are some of the meds maybe causing your digestive issues? I take omeprazole from before all this happened.  If I hadn’t they would have put me on it anyway due to the pain meds.

    Why did you change from Palbociclib?

    sending you a big hug.

    K x

  • Hi K

    Yes I will probably chase up the RT. Unfortunately I can't take a lot of pain killers because of stomach problems.  I am on omeprazole twice a day and try to be careful with my diet. 

    I changed from Palbociclib because it had stopped working. But I was on it for around 18 months, and felt really well on it. 

    Zeds xxx

  • Hi Zeds

    That’s difficult.i can’t take codeine which is a problem and was after my surgeries last year.  Definitely chase up the RT.

    Keep me updated.  I’m here if you need a chat at any stage.

    K x

  • Thank you K. Same as if you need to chat 
