Palliative Capecitabine

  • 5 replies
  • 36 subscribers

I was diagnosed incurable in November 2020 and tried paclitaxol which didnt work so I chose to carry on without treatment other than Morphine for pain relief .

Im November last year I developed enlatged nodes in the groin and a subsequent MRI confirmed wide spread of TNBC to lymph nodes. Capecitabine is hoped to shrink the areas but should I expect this pain. Its so bad it makes me limp. Im having to take oramorph to help relieve the breakthrough pain. The only people I kmow taking this chemo are having it preventatively. 

Is anyone taking  capecitabine tablets on 3 weekly cycles for palliarive purposes? If so have you experienced any chronic pain in areas of your body affected by mets?

Any replies will be appreciated. 

  • Hi,

    I’ve been on Cape around 8 months. I’ve had aches in the area but not chronic pain.  I’ve tolerated this treatment quite well. I was nervous about starting it.  I have had pain but my Oncologist sends me off for radiotherapy.  Perhaps that’s an option.  Moisturising hands and feet regularly helped.  My nurse also prescribed vitamin B6 to help with side effects.  I do get very tired on this treatment.  

    hope that’s helps Ax

  • Hi Zestforlife,

    My wife is on Cape and got really bad hand & foot syndrome, is this what you're experiencing? Her MO has reduced the Cape dose, and it is starting to help.

  • Thanks for sharing your experience and useful tips. So far hands and feet are good but will be extra careful.

  • Hi I am on cape going on my 4th cycle, I have been ok on it the last scan was stable with no regrowth don’t know how long I will be on it. I have had some side effects Fatigue, a bit of nausea but no vomiting and just started with the hand and foot thing my hands are ok but my heels hurt so I moustourise twice a day , Oncologist is going to reduce the dose so have not been to bad really.Good luck.x

  • Hi zest, any updates on your treatment?