
  • 3 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Anyone suffering with reflux?  It's horrid im on chemo but reflux has started worse at night. All that has changed is that I'm now taking ibuprofen for inflammation on my feet. I do take omeprazole though so stomach I thought protected. I'm also on alendronic acid for my bones both of these tablets mention irration of esophagus I am also on steroids but dose recently been lowered to one a day following chemo. The reflux is really bad wakes me up sometimes and have to keep clearing my throat awful! Think I will b paying a call to GP soon glad of any advice if anyone else suffering. 

  • FormerMember

    Having been a lifelong sufferer of reflux, which has been aggravated by therapy for my cancer. My remedy is to make sure that when you are lying in bed that your head is slightly raised to prevent acid rising up in to the upper part of the oesophagus , this can be achieved by using a wedge pillow, I find this to be a successful method. I am also taking acid reducing drugs but find I still need to use this method as well. I hope this helps.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for the advice I do sleep on 3 pillows due to the pain if I try to sleep any lower as cancer is between ribs and sternum. Rang pharmacy this am to see if I could take an extra omeprazole but she said best check with Dr on Monday in the mean time try gaviscon. She thinks because I have had to increase ibuprofen its that what is causing reflux but I'm sure it occurred before. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I have a genetic hiatus hernia which never bother me one bit until I went onto Chemo in 2014. Since then I have had all sorts of problems and sometimes the pain is worse than anything else I have going on. I do take lansaprozole once a day and eat small meals more often. I cannot sleep sat up as I have a disc out in my neck so I have to be fairly flat with a neck support. The key for my reflux is the timing of the medication if I take it 45 mins before my evening meal I am usually fine. 

    Good luck getting it sorted as the pain is bad enough but the sleep deprivation on top is a killer.