Kadcycla, considering declining

  • 4 replies
  • 282 subscribers

I have had 12 weekly chemo sessions (Paclitaxil) and a lumpectomy, I’m waiting to start 5 sessions of radiotherapy. I thought that would be the end of treatment apart from 3 weekly Herceptin injections. This morning the oncologist has told me I should have 14 cycles of Kadcycla after the radiotherapy, which will be a for around a year. When I had the surgery I had my port catheter removed, which I was delighted about, now they want to put in a new one for Kadcycla as it is delivered intravenously. I am seriously considering saying I don’t want the Kadcycla, I don’t want the port putting back and I don’t want the added side effects. Would I be silly to refuse? I can continue with the Herceptin as it’s just an injection. At what point does quality of life take precedence? 

  • I don't know anything about these drugs as I was on different ones, so I can't speak directly to your questions. 

    I would say, however, if there is evidence of you declining recommended treatment that will be on your file and it will make it harder/more expensive to get medical and travel insurance in the future should you recover enough to want to travel.  It would be better for the record to reflect that the medical team decided that the treatment was not appropriate for you given all the factors in your life. So, if you can discuss it with your medical treat from that kind of perspective, it will be better. 

    It is a shame that they took out the port - that must be very frustrating. Good luck with whatever you decide.  

  • Thank you, that’s something I hadn’t thought of!

  • Dear Lizjane,

    Strangely, I have had the same treatment as you and have been in a very similar situation, except for the port.

    Please be reassured, the Kadcyla infusions are so much easier to tolerate than the initial chemo. No comparison and virtually no side effects for me. You might want to rethink, especially if it reduces your risk of recurrence. 

    All the best whatever your decision and stay strong.


  • Thanks, if it wasn’t for the port issue I probably wouldn’t think twice! I just hated the port, it was traumatic having it out in, painful then uncomfortable for ages and very visually obvious. Maybe I’ll ask them to sedate me for the insertion this time!