Scared of chemo and undecided what to do

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  • 282 subscribers


I have had my lumpectomy in Jan then lymph node clearance in February. There was only one lymph node had cancer in out of 31. 
I have been through the menopause and I’m 60 years old. I have an appointment to see the oncologist on Monday, this is my final histology 

14 mm, Grade III, invasive ductal cancer, clear resection margins.
Sentinel lymph nodes: 1 out of 3 positive for metastasis.
ANC: 28 negative LN's - total nodal count 1 out of 31 LN's.
Molecular markers: ER 8 / PR 3/ Her2 low (not amplified), ki 67 40%.
Oncotype Dx Recurrence Score = 34
I don’t know what they will advise me on Monday but I’m scared in case they say it’s up to you if you want chemo or not, obviously I would rather them say you don’t need it but I’ve checked about my recurrence and the figures are medium but I’ve heard it depends on age if you have been through the menopause etc. 
has anyone going through chemo? How bad is it? How long is recovery etc? I’m also worried if they advise me to have chemo how long I will be off work. I live on my own so cannot afford to have time off, at the moment I’m getting paid in full but that decreases to half pay after 6 months off.
  • My oncotypeDX score was 28. I am 76 but otherwise fit and healthy and not on any previous medications I was recommended to have chemo and have just had my first session on Tuesday. 

  • I’m otherwise fit and healthy too. Did they say how many sessions you would need? How was it? Hope you get through all of this ok x

  • I am having 6 sessions at 3 week intervals. The first one was quite a long day as I had a TIVAD fitted but the chemo itself only took about an hour. I am a bit more tired than usual but still up and about Doing a few short walks and some cooking and gardening. 

  • Hi, I was 51 and post menopausal when I was diagnosed and I had chemo to shrink my lump before surgery, so no choice for me. I worked throughout my treatment, but luckily I can work from home and control my diary with a high level of flexibility. It was tough, but doable and I know I was lucky with manageable side effects.

    I know there's a lot of fear snd concern, understandably (and I was terrified) so I just wanted to give you another perspective. I blogged throughout, this one is about chemo Chemo blog link

    Best wishes for ylur appointment and decision. 

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