2 days after surgery, should I feel ill?

  • 4 replies
  • 282 subscribers

Hi , I had lumpectomy and snb on Monday, all food bar the anaesthetic was horrendous coming round, very sick, worse one I’ve had I think. But home in evening, fine all day yesterday, just a very sore throat but last night started feeling headachy and unwell, didn’t sleep well, unsurprisingly, sick bile this morning took temp with old fashioned thermometer 2 notches below 100 whatever that is. Should I be ringing the breast care nurse

  • Hiya 

    I really would give the breast nurse a call to put your mind at rest

    I hope you feel better soon x

  • Sounds like you may have an infection.  Yes call the nurse.  Best wishes! xxx

  • Schtompy, there should have been instructions on what to do if there were complications post operation. I went back in for a brief immediate check following a very slight worry following my mastectomy. Give breast nurse call but also the ward that did your operation or consultant 's secretary and if no immediate joy call your GP, 102 is quite high. Another source is call Macmillan nurse on this site. It may well turn out to be a bug unrelated to operation or cancer but just incase don't wait. Xxx

  • Thanks all for replying. I contacted the nurse,who was very reassuring, and I slept most of the day, made sure I drank plenty and I feel a bit more normal today. Think the anaesthetic really knocked the stuffing out of me as I’m already immuno suppressed, it’s take a bit longer to recover. I also think ive picked something up along the way somewhere a cold or the likes which hasnt helped. Onwards and upwards hopefully, thanks again x