Scentless soap and lotion

  • 8 replies
  • 283 subscribers

Hi all

Hope someone can help 

I'm after completely scentless soap and lotion.

Since starting chemo my sense of smell is in overdrive and even the products that claim to be unperfumed/scentless still smell and I can't stand the smell!!

It permeates my skin and taste buds so I can't sleep or eat.

I've tried MooGoo, Aveeno, CeraVue and none of it helps. I'm trying Sanex Zero cleanser, which I think is ok, but is overpowered by the CeraVue lotion.

Neutrogena hand cream works after visits to the bathroom, so do Polybalm for nails.

Any suggestions are gratefully received.

Sledge x 

  • I am the same , even though I didn’t have chemo .

    For radiotherapy , I used neals yard remedy professional body lotion .none of their professional range is scented. I think some cancer therapists use their products for massage . 

    I can tolerate Moogoo .


  • Thanks klf

    I'm desperate to get the taste out because it has ruined food for me. I'm constantly feeling nauseous.

    I'll try the neals and see how it goes.



  • I’m so sorry Disappointed.My dad had chemo for bowel cancer , he had the same with taste . 
    I had a look , I don’t think they do any make unscented soap but the lotion definitely didn’t have a smell .

    Hope it works x 

  • Hi  , I use Faith in Nature unscented soap which I get at my local health food shop. I use a shampoo bar (Dr Organic) but it does have some scent though not strong. I’ve looked online and Faith in Nature do an unscented shampoo but I’ve never tried it so can’t vouch for it. I’d definitely recommend the soap though. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi,

    I’m allergic to Balsam of Peru which is used as the base for perfume so can only use unscented products. I use the  Urtekram fragrance free range. I have to buy it on line and it’s a bit expensive but it’s probably the least smelly! x

  • Have you looked into Avene products.  Excellent and can talk to customer support for any questions.  I used during radiation treatments and was wonderful.  I have atopic dermatitis and fragrance sensitivity so need to be careful.


  • Thanks HappyFeet1

    I'm ok for shampoo/conditioner. I'm using simple, which seems to be ok for now, but I'll keep this in mind when it doesn't work.

    Sledge x

  • Hi Gilliebean

    Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out. 

    Sledge x