Paclitaxel aches & pains

  • 1 reply
  • 277 subscribers

Hi everyone

i was glad to finish an accelerated dose of EC chemo (fortnightly) and move on to fortnightly Paclitaxel. The first 36 hours after I got home from the infusion o felt fine, in fact quite productive, did a days work and normal domestic stuff. Side initially effects were very lively bowels and a stomach ache, but all manageable compared to my last two rounds of EC!
Then on the evening of day 2 after infusion my whole lower body is aching and sore. I woke up with it in the night and my legs and hips were restless for hours. Also headache. I think the steroids have worn off!
im wondering if, aside from hard painkillers (I’m trying paracetamol and codeine and ibuprofen together), anyone had found any ways to alleviate the aches? I wondered if cold water immersion might help? 


  • Hi  chemo can be really tough, especially in the early days after the steroids.  I found that exercise, just some short and gentle walking, helped me a lot, even though it felt a bit counter intuitive. Hope the aches and pains ease soon for you. Best wishes 

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