Double mastectomy

  • 8 replies
  • 280 subscribers

So I'm booked in for a double mastectomy on 24 February - 42 days from seeing my GP to date of surgery.  I certainly can't fault the treatment I've received so far.  I'm just not sure what to expect afterwards.  I've been reading some other posts which mention needing pillows to prop oneself up, and sleeping on the back.  I'm a dedicated side sleeper and just can't sleep on my back!  I don't have any spare pillows as I live in a 1-bedroom cottage and only have bedding for one!  Now no time to get any more.  Suggestions on a postcard please.  No seriously, any suggestions or information would be great.  Thanks in advance. And yes, I'm very anxious.

  • I had a single mastectomy and am a side/ front sleeper so thought this would be a nightmare. I just put my two pillows into a very shape and propped myself up best I could. My hospital discharged me with a little round doughnut type cushion to put under my arm. 

    It wasn't as bad as I expected the drains were uncomfortable but not painfull.

    If you have cushions on you sofa use these as extra support in bed. I found front fastening pj's better.

    Good luck and hope all goes well. Xxx

  • Thank you for your good wishes.  Unfortunately I don't have a sofa so no spare cushions!  I do though have front fastening PHs so that's a start. I'm sure I'm worrying unnecessarily but thank you for the encouragement. x

  • I think we feel we need to make practical preparations but to be honest there wasn't anything that I really felt I needed that I didn't have. I guess it part of the coping process. 

    Best wishes xx

  • I think you're right.  We need to feel we have some control over the situation and it is only the practical issues that we can deal with. I think as well it is part of the unknown, and none of us can know how we will cope until it happens. x

  • Hi I had a double mastectomy with implants in May 2022. I found having a front opening bras very helpful.  I came out with 2 drains per breast.  I bought a pair of bags to carry the drains around in. Your BCN can advise you depending on your operation.  Yes it was sleeping on my back but realistically there was no other way.  2 pillows in a v shape were fine. I also had an excellent oncology physiotherapist who gave me exercises.

    In the end you get on with it and keep asking questions.  The breast cancer charities are excellent for advice.

    All the best

    • I had a double mastectomy in September and adjusted really well to sleeping on my back. I bought a wedge pillow from Amazon which arrived the next day (so still time for you to purchase). It did cost £50 but was an excellent buy and I still use it for watching TV comfortably in bed. Good luck with the op. I hope all goes smoothly x
  • Thanks Ricki. I know I'll have to do whatever is necessary and maybe I'm looking for problems where there are none.  I think living alone is making things seem worse than they probably are.  Useful tip regarding the drain bags, I'll check those out. I'm llearning so much every day!  I hope your recovery went OK and you are now well.

  • Thanks Dee Dee 61.  I've been looking online at v-shaped pillows and found one called a Batwing pillow.  It seemed potentially useful as it had wings which looked as though they would support me from the sides as well as the back.  Has anyone used one of these before?  I hope your recovery is going well. x